[bionet.technology.conversion] Moderators for Bboard - BIOCONVERSION

P2269@com.qz.se ("ENG-LEONG FOO ", MIRCEN-STOCKHOLM) (05/08/89)

From: Eng-leong Foo (Executive Moderator for the month of May).

Though Mr. Juhani and I currently share the responsibility
of moderating this international bboard, we hope to
establish (i) an Executive Group of Moderators
         (ii) Specialists Group of Moderators (for the
various subject topics)

Executive Group of Moderators
The responsibilities of an Executive Moderator are primarily

related to the management of the bboard and include -
* identification and correction message-loop problems in
  message transfers, in cooperation with the contact person
  of each biosci node
* "hand-holding" of subscribers, e.g. how to unsubscribe
* maintaining and facilitating general interactions
  amongst its members

We would like to identify volunteers, your help is needed
and would be greatly appreciated. A special need is given
to members from each BIOSCI distributing nodes and at the
various participating conferencing systems that are running
parallel bboards/conferences.

Current status :
distribution nodes   IRLEARN  : vacant
                     DARESBURY: vacant
                     BMC      : E.L.Foo
                     bionet   : vacant

conferencing systems COM.KPO.FI  : J.Tenhunen
                     COM.QZ.SE   : E.L.Foo
                     COSY        : J.Tenhunen
                     ECONET      : J.Tenhunen
                     GREENNET    : J.Tenhunen

The moderating responsibility will be assigned on a monthly-
rotating basis to each executive moderator who will also act

as the "watchdog" for the overall activity.

Specialists Group of Moderators:
During the last 4 months since the creation of
BIOCONVERSION, scientific information and discussions have
generally been on (i) anaerobic digestion
                 (ii) composting
                (iii) integrated biosystems.
In order to maintain a regular flow of information and
interactions, a specialists group of moderators for each of
these subjects needs to be established. While I have taken
the initiatives for anaerobic digestion and Juhani for
composting and integrated biosystems, we need more

Please send me <Bitnet: P2269@COM.QZ.SE> or Juhani
<TENHUNEN@FINUJO> a private message if you wish to

We also welcome others to start new Groups for other