[bionet.technology.conversion] Developing a Program of Activities

P2269@com.qz.se ("ENG-LEONG FOO ", MIRCEN-STOCKHOLM) (05/10/89)

While this bboard BIOCONVERSION allows individuals to post
information or to initiate discussions of their particular
interests, I feel it is equally important to develop a
collective program for INFORMATION EXCHANGE and DISCUSSION.
Such a program will help to facilitate concrete discussions
but at the same time also provide an educational perspective
for the use of electronic messaging.

In an electronic conference called "Impacts of Biotechnology
Conference" (IBC) which was organized by the World Academy
of Arts and Science (WAAS) (Aug 1987 to Aug 1988), the
participants assigned a 2-month period for the discussion/
forum of a selected issue or topic. In a similar fashion,
"Anaerobic Digestion MIRCEN" has organized computer seminars
and computer workshops (for 3-week periods).

I like to suggest that we spend the coming few weeks for
developing a program of activities for BIOCONVERSION.
        If you have any other suggestions on
        how we could develop a program, please
        let us know.

Since subscribers of BIOCONVERSION may have different
special interests, we should consider running more than one
activity at a time. Unfortunately, at the moment due to our
current low number of subscribers, we are unable to create
separate bboard on the BIOSCI/BIONET network for each
special field of interests. A minimum of 40 subscribers  is
needed to justify the creation of a new bboard. However I
think that if we can have a successful start with the
program of activities, we should be able to attract more
subscribers and then meet the minimal critical mass of
participants (40) for the creation of sub-bboards for

While we wait for suggestions on other methods for
developing a program, I like to suggest that each of us take
a start by sending in a list of topics of your interest

From: Eng-leong Foo, MIRCEN-Stockholm
      Moderator for the month of May