[bionet.technology.conversion] Anaerobic digestion video cassette / VHS price


%Sender:       "E. Juhani Tenhunen (University Joensuu)" <TENHUNEN@FINUJO>
%Subject:      Movie Film on Anaerobic Digestion

Jackie, you mentioned that the videotape U-matic version would cost
Lit. 230,000 for VHS and  Lit. 129,000 for Betamax. The difference
is so big that I wonder if you mean that the price of the
U-matic version is Lit. 230,000 and of the VHS and Betamax versions
Lit. 129,000. How is it?


P2269@com.qz.se ("ENG-LEONG FOO ", MIRCEN-STOCKHOLM) (05/16/89)

The price quotation is correct, i.e. Lit.230,000 for VHS
and Lit. 129,000 for Betamax.

I do agree with you that this is a big difference for
two types of video cassettes. It could be that in Italy
Betamax is the popular type of video cassettes used, if so
this could be the reason why Betamax is much cheaper than
the VHS version.

In Sweden the VHS version is the more popular type used.

From: Eng-leong Foo, Stockholm