[bionet.technology.conversion] Addressing your messages

P2269@com.qz.se ("ENG-LEONG FOO ", MIRCEN-STOCKHOLM) (05/16/89)

As you know, the electronic conference at COM.QZ.SE called
"Anaerobic Digestion Technical" (C82@COM.QZ.SE) is now available
via the bboard BIOCONVERSION.

Those of you who have been sending AD messages directly to
C82@COM.QZ.SE should now send your messages to your assigned
receiver for BIOCONVERSION instead. This request is made because
of the delay of time caused if you address mail to C82@COM.QZ.SE
as the message needs to be resend back to the bboard BIOCONVERSION.
The resending will also encounter an additional cost. Therefore
in order to avoid delay in the distribution of your messages to
BIOCONVERSION readers as well as halving my cost of communication,
PLEASE SEND YOUR MESSASES for C82@COM.QZ.SE to any one of the
assigned receivers for BIOCONVERSION - i.e.
        BIO-CONV@irlearn.bitnet or BIO-CONV@irlearn.ucd.ie

For readers with direct access to QZCOM:
For participants who have direct access to QZCOM (@COM.QZ.SE)
your messages will automatically be mailed to BIO-CONV@IRLEARN.

From: Eng-leong Foo, Moderator of C82@COM.QZ.SE conference