[bionet.technology.conversion] BIOGAS: online monitoring of gas composition

P2269@com.qz.se ("ENG-LEONG FOO ", MIRCEN-STOCKHOLM) (04/04/89)

The composition of biogas which is generated during methane fermentation
can vary and to certain extent also with the type of substrate
used. Could you (Jon Iza, Environ Eng. Prog. Univ of Mass.) please
elaborate further on the criteria for setting the limits for
the different gases; are they different for the same substrate
but different reactors; what triggers changes in the gas composition?

To Other Readers:
Is there anyone who has knowledge in online warning systems for
fermentation processes ? The indicator could be a gas, pH change,

I wonder if there are developed systems where action to a warning
signal (relayed to the researcher's home) could be corrected
by a terminal link-up from home to the host computer at the lab.
? This would certainly be welcomed by researchers as well as
the industry.

From: Eng-leong Foo, MIRCEN-Stockholm, Sweden

P2269@com.qz.se ("ENG-LEONG FOO ", MIRCEN-STOCKHOLM) (04/07/89)

To Jon Iza (Univ of Mass. U.S.A.)
What gases are you monitoring as indicators for your early warning
system in anaerobic reactors ?
From: Eng-leong Foo (MIRCEN-STockholm, Sweden)

IZA@ecs.umass.edu ("Jon Iza, Envir.Eng.Program UMASS") (04/09/89)

Subject: On-line gas monitoring for AD

The monitored gases are  Hydrogen and Carbon Monoxide. Both are trace
gases, with typical levels in the order of ppm for H2 and ppb for CO.
Reactor upsets produce big increases in H2 concentration, but the
changes are rather fast and inconsistent. The simultaneous measurement
of CO concentration helps to screen the data and get a good feeling of
what is going on. We here (Prof. Switzenbaum, E. Giraldo and I) we are
trying to create a big database of information collected during
experiments with spikes of toxicants and/or organic and hydraulic
overloads, to get a better knowledge of the process.

P2269@com.qz.se ("ENG-LEONG FOO ", MIRCEN-STOCKHOLM) (05/17/89)

I have read Robert F Hickey's paper that was published
recently in Water Research (1989, No.2) on "The effect of
heavy metals on methane production and hydrogen and carbon
monoxide levels during batch anaerobic sludge digestion". I
find this an interesting paper.

If there are a sufficient number of people who are also in
this interested in paper, we might consider using it as a
discussion paper.

Q: To: Jon Iza - Is Robert Hickey still at Amherst or has he
moved to the Michigan Biotechnology Institute ?

From: Eng-leong Foo, Stockholm

IQTE0@ccuab1.uab.es (05/24/89)

I agree Hickey's paper related to on-line monitoring
of biogas composition could be an interesting topic
of discussion. I would be interested.
Josep M. Paris, Barcelona, Spain.