[bionet.technology.conversion] Jamaican Connection

P2269@com.qz.se ("ENG-LEONG FOO ", MIRCEN-STOCKHOLM) (05/25/89)

Sorry for this late response as I am busy and involved in
organizing committee for the Symposium on the Potentials of
Independent Inititives which will be held next week on June

It is definitely good for a change to see a social message
and also wise to have a contact name just in case something
happens when one is travelling esp. in those parts of the

I dont know anyone well enough who is from Jamaica but I
have a few contact names of people working in the biogas
field. However, I did meet a Jamaican during the 7th Miami
International Alternative Energy Sources Symposium in 1987.
His name is Brian C Silvera and is the technical director of
the CAST Energy Centre (237 Old Hope Road, Kingston 6,
Jamaica. Tel: (809) 927-1680-8. He is also the director of a
company "Enerplan Ltd" which provides energy and
agricultural engineering concultancies (27 Munroe Road,
Kingston 6; Tel: (809) 927-6591. I guess you could always
write to him and mention me with reference to the 6th Biogas
Computer Conference.

Then of course the right contact source for the travellers,
in case they run into any trouble, is the German Embassy.
Since I am writing from home, GTZ/GATE of Germany might have
an office there too for their Caribbean activities. Shall
check and let you know.

From: Eng-leong Foo, Stockholm

P35067@com.qz.se (Siegfried Michael Schoberth) (06/14/89)

Thank you very much, Foo, for the address. I have written to him and will
see. By the way, I am sorry that I placed my message erroneously in AN DIG
Regards, Siggi