[bionet.technology.conversion] Breaking the Silence

P2269@com.qz.se ("ENG-LEONG FOO ", MIRCEN-STOCKHOLM) (06/22/89)

Hi Everybody,
        I have observed that the activity at our bboard
"Bioconversion" had gone into its lowest gear this month. In
Scandinavia the summer holidays is usually made the
scapegoat for anything that doesn't function normally during
this part of the year; and for very good reasons.

A good reason why many bboards run into low gears is the
misconcept that the moderators are totally responsible for
maintaining a regular flow of information messages. Please
note that like the physical "bulletin board", anyone can
post a message. This brings us back to the motto "A Message
a Week" that I suggested last month.

Another observation I made was that I received a very good
response to my request for "Greetings to Participants of the
Symposium on "The Potentials of Independent Initiatives".
Many thanks for all who have sent me messages. It also
revealed that many subscribers have not yet introduced
themselves and more importantly - to provide some info on
what their interests are as well as what they would like to
see in this bboard. I hope the generally conveyed meaning of
"bulletin board" (i.e. posting notice) has not shadowed the
other purposes of an "electronic bboard", i.e. to use it for
conferencing or forum.

So for those of you who are not yet influenced by the summer
heat, I look forward to your self-intro and thank you for
the effort.

From: Eng-leong Foo <P2269@COM.QZ.SE>