[bionet.technology.conversion] From CoSy ocf/recycling: Composting

TENHUNEN@finujo.bitnet (07/06/89)

ocf/recycling #193, from jskillma, 4974 chars, Sun Apr 16 12:39:21 1989
This is a comment to message 151.
The conversations re compost were enlightening, especially the
message 73.  For those who are interested, please see the August
1980 issue of National Geographic for a biologic description of
the inhabitants of a  compost heap- it is a memorable article.
I joined this conference for two reasons: I am a member of CPPNW
and have an interest in Our Common Future from the perspective of
the issues of nuclear war building, and nuclear uses; as well, I
am working on  a workshop on Our Common Future for a Soroptimist
Conference in May and am interested in good material.  In
particular I am looking for sources of good information for a
bibliography, not just in recycling, but in all the areas of
environmental concern.

I would also like to comment on plepp and his difficulty with
this conference. He disliked the attitude of "ecological
vengeance". I agree with that dislike wholeheartedly. Yet, there
is some good material in this conference. The best material is in
the process of discussion, but I would plead for the next step
which is negotiation, and which occurs before compromise can be

I think that the techniques of conflict resolution would
aid in this process.  There is a good literature on conflict
resolution. The reference for a source list of books is to be
found in the conference cppnw.books.

cppnw/books #61, from epowell, 2092 chars, Tue Nov 15 15:14:43 1988
TITLE: Conflict res

Dear Friends, here is the bibliography I have used for my Personal
Shalom course.

It is a bit slanted towards the religious point of view, but none
the worse for that


**1. Augsberger, David, 1981, Regal Books. Caring Enough to Confront.
     Explains how to get along with people by using honest, clear
     exchanges given in a caring manner. ISBN 9-8307-0733-6

  2. Augsberger, David, 1981, Regal Books. Caring Enough to Forgive/Not to
     Forgive. Draws a clear distinction between true and false
     forgiveness. ISBN 0-8307-0749-2

  3. Axelrod R. 1984, Basic Books. The Evolution of Cooperation.
     From microbes to computers, the scientific background to game
     theory and cooperative living. ISBN 0-465-02122-0

  4. Buzzard, L. and Eck, L., 1982. David C. Cook Pub. Co. Tell it
     to the Church: reconciling out of court. The Christian Reconciliation
     Service of the United States and Canada: history and practice.
     ISBN 0-98191-630-X

**5. Fenhagen, J.C., 1977, the Seabury Press. Mutual Ministry.
     Describes how church members can build authentic community.
     ISBN 0-8164-32-5.

**6. Fisher, Roger and Ury, William, 1981. Penguin Books. Getting to
     Yes: negotiating without giving in. Illustrated with stories
     applicable to any group in conflict, it has become a classic in
     explaining how to negotiate on the basis of both sides'interests.
     ISBN 0-1400-6534-2

  7. Gula, R.M.,1983. The Paulist Press. To Walk Together Again: the
     sacrament of Reconciliation. The "new" sacramental theology of the
     Roman Catholic Church relating to reconciliation. ISBN 0-8091-2603-6

  8. Kraybill, R.S., 1981. Herald Press. Repairing the Breach: ministering
     in community conflict. A description of the biblical basis for conflict
     resolution, with outines of roles and personal skills.
     ISBN 0-8361-3302-1

  9. McKay, M., and Fanning, P., 1987. New Harbinger Publications.
     Self-esteem.  Provides insight into  problems of interpersonal
     relationships which come from low self-esteem. ISBN 0-934986-41-X

**Especially recommended.


This is a comment to messages 73,143 and 151.