[bionet.technology.conversion] Owner of the Finnish WABIO process changed

TENHUNEN@finujo.bitnet (07/06/89)

Since July 1st, 1989, the bioenergy activities of the Finnish development
company Devecap's daughter (co-owner Finnish State Oil Company Neste)
DN-Bioprocessing Ltd have been sold to the Finnish state-owned firm
Outokumpu Engineering Ltd. If you are interested in the combined
composting-biogasification process WABIO (the full scale plant in
Mustasaari, a suburb of Vaasa, is now working), please phone to Mr.
Arto Stenroos, tel +358 (0) 421 2885.

The rest of DN-Bioprocessing Ltd will work on composting of chlorphenol-
containing soils, primarily in Jarvela village, Karkola community (some
80 km north of Helsinki).

More info later, rgds Juhani Tenhunen, BIOCONVERSION co-moderator