P2269@com.qz.se ("ENG-LEONG FOO ", MIRCEN-STOCKHOLM) (07/06/89)
From: E.L. Foo (MIRCEN-Stockholm) With adaptation of methanogenic granular sludge, Koster & Lettinga (Biological Wastes, 1988, 25(1)51-60) were able to obtain satisfatory methanogenic activity in potato juice containing 9.1 g ammonia-N/litre. Says Ali Beba (India) that if you have a solar heater, one of its best use is to produce hot water for slurry mixing for biogas fermenters (Solar Energy, 1988. 40 (3), 281-287. Though frequently thought in Africa that dry dairy manure gives better gas production than fresh manure, Chan et al (Biological Wastes, 1988, 24 (4), 297-306) showed that fresh manure gave a greater total volume of gas produced ( because of loss in organic materials in dried materials) but methane yield based on m3CH4/kg volatile solids fed was the same (0.05). Harvesting biogas from anaerobic lagoons was studied by Safley and Westerman (Biological Wastes, 1988, 23(3),181- 193) and found that they produce between 0.02 and 0.05 m3/m2 /day (or 0.03 to 0.23 m3/m3/day based on lagoon volume). The potential for biogas production and anaerobic treatment of of different wastes is amazing - onion waste = Lubberding et al (Biological Wastes, 1988, 25(1)61-68) caster oil cake = Gollakota et al (Biological Wastes 1988, 25(4),243-249 rabbit droppings = Mahadevaswamy & venkataraman (Biological Wastes, 1988, 25(4) 249-256) Willow dust = Balasubramanya et al. (Biological Wastes 1988, 25(1)25-32) Pressmud from sugar factory = Mathur et al (Res and Ind. A Journal for Enterpreneurs and Technologists. 1988. 2(June),151-153) brown algae (Laminaria spp) = Hanssen et al (Biomass, 1987. 14(1) 1-13). water hyacinth = Kumar & Jain. (Res and Ind. A Journal for Enterpreneurs and Technologists. 1988. 2(June),162-166) sorghum = Jerger et al (Biomass. 1987, 14(2),99-113)