[bionet.technology.conversion] Dry fermentation of barley straw in Spain

TENHUNEN@finujo.bitnet (07/14/89)

Reference: MATA-ALVAREZ, J. & GONZALEZ, J.S.G.: Low capital cost fuel
gas production from combined organic residues. In: Wise, D.L. (ed.):
International biosystems. Volume III. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, Inc.,
1989, pp. 41-64. ISBN 0-8493-4853-6.

This message is devoted mainly to Assoc. Prof. Josep M. Paris, Dept. of
Chemical Engineering, Autonomic University of Barcelona (IQTE0@CCUAB1.UAB.ES):

I've read the text referred above, and I'd like to question if the dry
fermentation research on barley straw anaerobic digestion is continuing

Happy summer (getting for holiday today),

Juhani Tenhunen, BIO-CONV co-moderator, University of Joensuu