[bionet.technology.conversion] Sender: Siegfried Michael Schoberth

P35067@com.qz.se (Siegfried Michael Schoberth) (04/05/89)

Comment on :403619
Subject:  Book Review
1. This article deals especially with methanogenic bacteria,
including their cultivation:

Mah, R.A. and M.R. Smith. 1981. The Methanogenic Bacteria
In: Starr M.P., H.G. Stolp, H.G. Tr^Aper, Albert Balows, H.G.
Schlegel (eds.), The Prokaryotes, vol I, pp. 948-977.
2. This article is one of Hungate's classicals on anaerobic
methods in general (Hungate-technique):

Hungate, R.E. 1969. A Roll Tube Method for Cultivation of Strict
In: J.R. Norris and D.W.Ribbons (eds.): Methods in Microbiology,
vol 3B, pp.117-132. Academic Press, London and New York.
3. This book deals with anaerobic bacteria of clinical importance,
but the methods are also employed with methanogens:

Holdemann, L.V., E.P. Cato and W.E.C. Moore. 1977 (or more recent
edition). ANAEROBE LABORATORY MANUAL. (152 pages)
Published by and available from: V.P.I. Anaerobe Laboratory, Virginia Polytechni
 Institute and State University
P.O. Box 49
USA-Blacksburg, Virginia 24060

I will send you copies of 1. and 3., Jackie.
Regards, Siggi

P.S.: I will not have the time as before to be in COM, but I will
show up periodically.

P35067@com.qz.se (Siegfried Michael Schoberth) (04/18/89)

Comment on :408044
Subject:  Book Review
Thank you, Foo for the information.

Here is my self introductory message:

I am Siegfried Michael Schoberth, and I am working in the
Institute of Biotechnology-1 (IBT-1) at the KFA-Juelich (Nuclear
Research Center Juelich), FRG, thus one of the about 4500
employees of the KFA. I am Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
(Research Associate), but also involved in teaching. Years ago, me
and my family had very nice 1.5 years in Urbana/Illinois/USA, for
me to learn work with methanogenic bacteria in R. Wolfe's lab at
the Department of Microbiology/University of Illinois, and for my
family (and me too) to enjoy the American way of life; yet
recently we detected the good Australian way of life during a research study in
ydney. Since my Ph.D. work I study the
microbiology of anaerobic bacteria, especially those found in
methanogenic communities. A recent publication is:

 Folkerts, M., U. Ney, H. Kneifel, E. Stackebrandt, E.G. Witte, H.
 Foerstel, S.M. Schoberth, and H. Sahm. 1989. Desulfovibrio
 furfuralis sp. nov., a Furfural Degrading Strictly Anaerobic
 Bacterium. System. Appl. Microbiol. 12, 161-169.

D. furfuralis is able to degrade furfural anaerobically (furfural
is found in bulk quantities in sulfite evaporator condensate (SEC)
from many pulp and paper industries). The special technique to
isolate this organism and its use in anaerobic treatment of SEC
has been patented. KWU (SIEMENS) and SCHOTT Mainz build anaerobic
treatment plants in collaboration with us and IBT-2. There is also
an IBT-3 at the KFA.

Sender: Siegfried Michael Schoberth
Comment on :408044
Subject:  EARN, BITNET
Thank you, Foo for the information re computer network connection.
What would be a good EARN etc. address for sending annoying tryout
messages to?
Regards, Siggi

Sender: Siegfried Michael Schoberth
Comment on :403963
Subject:  AAFFE-process

Mr. Iza:
In front of me is a copy of M.S. Switzenbaum, et al. August 1978. The Anerobic A
tached Film Expanded Bed Reactor for the Treatment of Dilute Organic Wastes. US
epartment of Commerce, National Technical Information Service. I would be intere
ted what happened to AAFFE, since I lost touch to some applied aspects of anaero
ic treatment.

Thanks, Siegfried M. Schoberth

P35067@COM.QZ.SE (Siegfried Michael Schoberth) (05/21/89)

Subject:  New Conferences

FEMS SYMPOSIUM Microbiology and Biochemistry of Strict Anaerobes
Involved in Interspecific Hydrogen Transfer
MARSEILLE, France, September 12-14, 1989.
Universite de Provence, CNRS - ORSTOM.
Organized by the Federation of European Microbiological Societies
and the French Society for Microbiology.

Scope of the symposium: the symposium will focus on basic aspects
of the interspecies hydrogen transfer phenomenon.... The main
topics will include:
1- Environmental impact of interspecies hydrogen transfer.
2- Isolation and identification of strict anaerobes involved in
   interspecies hydrogen transfer
3- Physiology of these organisms growing in pure or mixed culture
4- Struggle for energy under anaerobic natural conditions
5- Biochemistry od hydrogenases and electron carriers of stricht
   anaerobes. Interaction studies between redox proteins
6- Genetics of strict anaerobes involved in interspecies hydrogen

Organizing Committee:
Pr Jean-Pierre BELAICH, Universite de Provence-CNRS Marseille
Dr Mireille BRUSCHI, CNRS Marseille
Dr Jean-Louis GARCIA, ORSTOM Marseille

P35067@COM.QZ.SE (Siegfried Michael Schoberth) (05/21/89)

Subject:  New Conferences

FEMS SYMPOSIUM Microbiology and Biochemistry of Strict Anaerobes
Involved in Interspecific Hydrogen Transfer
MARSEILLE, France, September 12-14, 1989.
Universite de Provence, CNRS - ORSTOM.
Organized by the Federation of European Microbiological Societies
and the French Society for Microbiology.

Here is only a small (very incomplete!) choice of oral
presentations which might be of interest to those working on
anaerobic digestion (feel free to ask for more information,
including posters):

G. GOTTSCHALK (Goettingen): Molecular hydrogen and energy
conservation in methanogenic and acetogenic bacteria.
D.MOUNTFORT & H.F.KASPAR (Nelson): Substitution of H2 acceptor
organisms with chemical hydrogenation system in syntrophic
methanogenic cocultures.
T.LEISINGER (Zurich): Approaches to gene transfer in methanogenic
Beginning with the biochemistry of anaerobic benzoate degradation
by syntrophic bacteria.
A.J.B.ZEHNDER, A.J.M.STAMPS (Wageningen): Ecological impact of
syntrophic fatty acids and alcohol oxidation.
S.M.SCHOBERTH, U.NEY & H.SAHM (Juelich): Anaerobic degradation of
furfural by defined mixed cultures.
J.BENSTEAD, D.B.ARCHER & D. LLOYD (Cardiff): Role of hydrogen in
the growth of mutualistic methanogenic cocultures.
J.DOLFING (Groningen): Kinetics of two complementary hydrogen sink
reactions in a defined 3-chlorobenzoate degrading methanogenic
H.C.DUBOURGIER & G.PRENSIER (Villeneuve d'Ascq): Role of hydrogen
transfer in methanogenic biofilms.
A.PAUSS, F.A.MACLEOD & S.R.GUIOT (Montreal): Thermodynamical and
microbiological evidence of trophic microniches for propionate
degradation in a methanogenic sludge-bed reactor.
and characterization of an anaerobic bacterium degrading
A.BLOMGREN & B.SVENSSON (Uppsala): Methane production from acetate
at high ammonium concentrations.

Sender: Siegfried Michael Schoberth
Subject:  Jamaica Connection

This is more a "Cocktail"- than an A.D.- question:
Does anyone happen to know an address which could be contacted in Jamaica, if ne
essary, by two two youngsters (aged 19, fond of Bob Marley and Reggae), just rel
ased from high school, and eager to travel the US and Jamaica during July this y
ar. One of the explorers is my son. Of course, if this address happens to be an
naerobic digestion site, I would be the more glad to learn about it. Some years
go, I had contact with Bacardi Rum about their anaerobic filter in Puerto Rico (
hen the biggest anaerobic filter in the world, 3.5 million gallon i.e. 13249 cub
c m). Maybe in Jamaica a similar site exists?

Regards, Siegfried M. Schoberth

P35067@COM.QZ.SE (Siegfried Michael Schoberth) (05/21/89)

Subject:  New Conferences

FEMS SYMPOSIUM Microbiology and Biochemistry of Strict Anaerobes
Involved in Interspecific Hydrogen Transfer
MARSEILLE, France, September 12-14, 1989.
Universite de Provence, CNRS - ORSTOM.
Organized by the Federation of European Microbiological Societies
and the French Society for Microbiology.

Here is only a small (very incomplete!) choice of oral
presentations which might be of interest to those working on
anaerobic digestion (feel free to ask for more information,
including posters):

G. GOTTSCHALK (Goettingen): Molecular hydrogen and energy
conservation in methanogenic and acetogenic bacteria.
D.MOUNTFORT & H.F.KASPAR (Nelson): Substitution of H2 acceptor
organisms with chemical hydrogenation system in syntrophic
methanogenic cocultures.
T.LEISINGER (Zurich): Approaches to gene transfer in methanogenic
Beginning with the biochemistry of anaerobic benzoate degradation
by syntrophic bacteria.
A.J.B.ZEHNDER, A.J.M.STAMPS (Wageningen): Ecological impact of
syntrophic fatty acids and alcohol oxidation.
S.M.SCHOBERTH, U.NEY & H.SAHM (Juelich): Anaerobic degradation of
furfural by defined mixed cultures.
J.BENSTEAD, D.B.ARCHER & D. LLOYD (Cardiff): Role of hydrogen in
the growth of mutualistic methanogenic cocultures.
J.DOLFING (Groningen): Kinetics of two complementary hydrogen sink
reactions in a defined 3-chlorobenzoate degrading methanogenic
H.C.DUBOURGIER & G.PRENSIER (Villeneuve d'Ascq): Role of hydrogen
transfer in methanogenic biofilms.
A.PAUSS, F.A.MACLEOD & S.R.GUIOT (Montreal): Thermodynamical and
microbiological evidence of trophic microniches for propionate
degradation in a methanogenic sludge-bed reactor.
and characterization of an anaerobic bacterium degrading
A.BLOMGREN & B.SVENSSON (Uppsala): Methane production from acetate
at high ammonium concentrations.

P35067@com.qz.se (Siegfried Michael Schoberth) (06/21/89)

Subject:  EARN nodes in Juelich
Rob, thank you very much for your message. They tell me here I
would also need your user ID to send you a message via EARN- or
BITNET. Is this correct? If you do not need my user ID, this is my
(the KFA's) BITNET adress: DJUKFA11. Could you send a few word to

P35067@com.qz.se (Siegfried Michael Schoberth) (06/21/89)

Subject:  trying out EARN
Hi Foo,
I would like to try out EARN, but they tell me here I would need
also your user ID to send you a message. Is this correct? If not,
this is my (the KFA's) BITNET adress: DJUKFA11.
Regards, Siggi

P35067@COM.QZ.SE (Siegfried Michael Schoberth) (10/01/89)

Subject:  BIOGAS: salinity and biogas production
*Receiver: Anaerobic Digestion (MIRCEN) Technical*
I just did a very brief research in my documentary on "halophiles"
and picked out entries dealing with methane formation and
Boone, D.R.; Worakit, S.; Mathrani, I.M.; Mah, R.A. 1986.
Alkaliphilic methanogens from high-pH lake sediments. System.
Appl. Microbiol. 7:230-234.

Cherni, N.E.; Popenko, V.I.; Moskvin-Tarkhanov, M.I.; Zhilina,
T.N. 1986. Study of  the Cell  Ultrastructure of the Halophilic
Archaebacterium Methanococcus halophilus. Microbiology (USSR)

Kamekura, M.; Hamana, K.; Matsuzaki, S. 1987. Polyamine contents
and amino acid decarboxylation activities of extremely halophilic
archaebacteria and some eubacteria. FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 43:301-.

King, G.M. 1988. Methanogenesis from Methylated Amines in a
Hypersaline Algal Mat. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 54:130-136..

Kushner, D.J. 1986. Molecular adaptation of enzymes, metabolic
systems and transport systems in halophilic bacteria. FEMS
Microbiol. Rev. 39:121-127.

Mathrani, I.M.; Boone, D.R.; Mah, R.A. 1988. Isolation and
characterization of four halophilic methanogens and DNA/DNA
homology studies of 12 halophilic methanogens. Am. Soc.
Microbiol., Abstr. Ann. Meet. I-23. (* my comment: Strains have NaCl concentrati
n optima of 2.1 M (12.3%). They use methylamines
and methanol for growth, and not acetic acid and H2/CO2 which are
the chief intermediates for methane formation in anaerobic

Oren, A.; Paster, B.J.; Woese, C.R. 1984. Haloanaerobiaceae: a new
family of moderately halophilic, obligatory anaerobic bacteria.
System. Appl. Microbiol. 5:71-80.

Oren, A. 1986. The ecology and taxonomy of anaerobic halophilic
eubacteria. FEMS Microbiol. Rev. 39:23-29.

Oren, A.; Pohla, H.; Stackebrandt, E. 1987. Transfer of
Clostridium lortetii to a New Genus Sporohalobacter gen nov As
Sporohalobacter lortetii comb nov, and Description of
Sporohalobacter marismortui sp nov. Syst. Appl. Microbiol. 9:239-.

Paterek, J.R.; Smith, P.H. 1988. Methanohalophilus mahii gen.
nov., sp. nov., a methylotrophic halophilic methanogen. Int. J.
Syst. Bact. 38:122-123.

Sowers, K.R.; Gunsalus, R.P. 1988. Adaptation for Growth at
Various Saline Concentrations by Methanosarcina spp. Am. Soc.
Microbiol., Abstr. Ann. Meet. I-22. (* my comment: All described
species grow in media of 0.005 to 1.2 M (0.03 - 7%) NaCl*)

Sowers, K.R.; Gunsalus, R.P. 1988. Adaptation for Growth at
Various Saline Concentrations by the Archaebacterium
Methanosarcina thermophila. J. Bacteriol. 170:998-1002.

Yu, I.K.; Kawamura, F. 1987. Halomethanococcus doii gen. nov., sp.
nov.: an obligately halophilic methanogenic bacterium from solar
salt ponds. J. Gen. Appl. Microbiol. 33:303-.
If anybody is interested, I know Mah, Zhilina, Stackebrandt and
Gunsalus personally and could ask what they think about biogas and
P.S.: I am more often (or less seldom, to be more precise) in
BITNET than in COM. My network-address is "IBT006 at DJUKFA11"
Siegfried Michael Schoberth

P35067@COM.QZ.SE (Siegfried Michael Schoberth) (10/01/89)

Subject:  New Publications
*Receiver: Anaerobic Digestion (MIRCEN) Technical*

A.J.L. Macario, E. Conway de Macario, U. Ney, S.M. Schoberth, and
H. Sahm. 1989. Shifts in Methanogenic Subpopulations Measured with
Antibody Probes in a Fixed-Bed Loop Anaerobic Bioreactor Treating
Sulfite Evaporator Condensate. Appl. Environm. Microbiol.

From the Abstract: *** A fixed-bed loop, high rate anaerobic
bioreactor traeting sulfite evaporator condensate was sampled when
it reached steady state and afterwards following perturbations
during a 14-month period. By using immunotechnology, it was
observed that shifts in methanogenic subpopulations occurred in
association with perturbations, such as restarting and relocating
the biomass into a different tank. ***

Since some years, the Macarios (Albany, NY state) do a very fine
work on the immunology of methanogens. They can name you many a
strain within short time, only by obtaining a small sample of mud.

Siegfried M Schoberth