[bionet.technology.conversion] BIOGAS: New Publications


Biogasprocessen i Norden - Forskning och Tillampning. Ed. Bo
Svensson. 1989. ISSN 0348-4041. ISBN 91-576-3888-8
Available from: Inst of Microbiology, Swedish University of Agricultural
Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden. Price: unknown.

This book is the proceedings of a 2-day seminar that was held
in 6-7 Dec 1988 and contains 27 presentations of researches,
projects and programs in Scandinavian countries. The proceedings
contain 5 papers written in English, 13 in Swedish, 8 in Danish
and 1 in Norwegian. The following are the papers written in the
english language:

1) A. Temmes et al. Degradation of cellulose to methane by defined
mixed cultures. (Dept of Microbiology, Univ of Helsinki, SF-00710
Helsinki, Finland).

2) D.B.Archer. The microbiology of waste degradation in landfill.
Agricultural and Food Research Council Institute of Food Research
Colney Lane, Norwich NE4 7UA, U.K.)

3) U.Szewzyk. Anaerobic bacteria and interfaces. (Inst for Marine
Microbiology, Goteborgs University, S-413 19 Goteborg, Sweden).

4) P. Vilppunen. Energy production by anaerobic digestion of
waste sludge from wood processing industries. (Energy Laboratory,
Univ of Oulu, SF-90570 Oulu, Finland)

5) A Lagerkvist. Field test of enhanced degradation of household
waste in a landfill. (Div of Residual Product Technology, Lulea
Univ of Technology, S-95187 Lulea, Sweden).