[bionet.technology.conversion] secondary access to BIOSCI bboard BIOCONVERSION

P2269@com.qz.se ("ENG-LEONG FOO ", MIRCEN-STOCKHOLM) (10/05/89)

From: Eng-leong Foo (Sweden)

I am currently accumulation materials for my report for a UNESCO
Contract which was received for the creation and initiation of
activities of this BIOSCI bulletin board BIOCONVERSION. In one
of the sections of my report, I would like to consider other
secondary access to information distributed by BIOCONVERSION.
Many of you receive BIOCONVERSION directly from one ot the available
mail distributors. Others may read BIOCONVERSION from a local
bboard or conference which have been created for users at a mail
or conferencing system. For example in Sweden BIOCONVERSION is
available @COM.QZ.SE in a conference called BIOCONVERSION STOCKHOLM,
or in Finland it is available @COM.KPO.FI in a conference called
BIOCONVERSION KPO. I am interested to collect such information.
If you have helped create such bboards or conference for secondary
access of the BIOSCI bboard BIOCONVERSION, please let me know.
Your help would be greatly appreciated and would make my report
more complete.

In another sub-section of my report, I would like to collect
information on "co-participating bboards". By this I mean
bboards or conferences that select notices for external distribution
via BIOSCI's BIOCONVERSION. For example: @COM.QZ.SE there is
a conference (since 1984) called ANAEROBIC DIGESTION TECHNICAL.
Messages from this conference are also mailed into the BIOSCI's
BIOCONVERSION. In a similar way, from the CoSy computer conferencing
system at Guelph in Canada, selected messages from the conference
BIOCONVERSION/COMPOSTING are also being distributed via BIOSCI's
BIOCONVERSION. I would like to collect information of such nature.
If you have arranged such mail transfers from such "co-participating
bboards", please let me know.

I hope to be able to collect all information for my report by
the end of October so that I could submit the report by the end
of November. Your early response would therefore be most appreciated.

Thank you. Eng-leong Foo (BITNET: P2269@COM.QZ.SE)
         Director, UNEP/UNESCO/ICRO Microbiological Resource
                   Center, Karolinska Inst., 10401 Stockholm,