[bionet.technology.conversion] ENERGY: Biodigester / Revista Globo Rural

P2269@com.qz.se ("ENG-LEONG FOO ", MIRCEN-STOCKHOLM) (10/10/89)

Revista Globo Rural, a Brazilian institute, has recently developed
a biodigester based on the Indian model. Designed by the Technical
Assistance and Rural Extension Agency, the biodigester has a
movable metal top which rises along guide tracks as the digester
fills up with gas. The cover also functions as a gas meter and
exercises pressure on stored gas.

A mixture of manure, plant waste and water is used as the feed
material. The digester has a 1,403 working capacity and produces
1,203 m3 of methane gas daily. 500 kg of CO2 which is sold for
use in fire extinguishers) and 3 tons of biofertilizer are also
produced (<comment: per year ? >)

More information available from:
Revista Globo Rural
Rua Frei Caneca 1140/52
01207 Sao Paulo SP