[bionet.technology.conversion] ENERGY: Prefabricated Peruvian Biodigester

P2269@com.qz.se ("ENG-LEONG FOO ", MIRCEN-STOCKHOLM) (10/11/89)

Gloria S.A. (a Peruvian firim) has developed a new method for
making Chinese-type biodigesters having a capacity of 10-15 m3.
The technology is suitable for rocky areas or htose abundant
in expanding clay. The biodigester requires an area of no more
than 24 m2 and is installed below the ground. Manure and vegetable
waste mixture is used as feed (about 9 % solid content).

A 15 m3 capacity digester can produce 3.75 m3 biogas per day
along with 130 litres of liquid organic fertilizer. Annual production
of biogas is estimated to be 3 metric tonnes. Cost of construction
and installation is 375 USD. The technology is available for

More information available from:
Gloria S.A.
Av Gral Diez Canseco 527