[bionet.technology.conversion] Back to work from Oct

P2269@com.qz.se ("ENG-LEONG FOO ", MIRCEN-STOCKHOLM) (10/12/89)

Hi Juhani,
I have been on leave for the past 4 months and have now joined
the Medical Information Center (at the Karolinska Institute)
for a year to join the working and service group for the newly
installed messaging and computer conferencing system.

We will all look forward to your report of your recent travel
in Europe. As a request, please do not download your report as
one message into BIOCONVERSION. This makes it difficult for comments
and has a negative effect in that it does not stimulate interactions.
Kindly send the report in "small pieces" and preferably a "piece"
a day; I have seen this approach to work better for conferencing.
Best regards, Foo

P35067@com.qz.se (Siegfried Michael Schoberth) (10/17/89)

I have a comment to "small pieces":
since I am forced to use COM "by hand" and are not able any more
to use the wonderful programs that did downloading and receiving
for me without my presence, breaking a message down into small
pieces is both time consuming and costly.
Let me explain how I do downloading: I prepare a file with the word
processor. that is easy and fast. then I use Kermit-MS and the QZ's
Kermit to communicate with my PC with QZ. That means I have to transfer
first my file from the PC to the CMS system in our Central Institute of
Mathematics (using their Kermit-CMS). then I log in COM, go the exit menue,
call QZ's Kermit, call server, connect to my Kermit-MS, and transfer one
file after another. this done, I log in again in COM anbd start submitting
the files from QZ, one after another. I may be very slow in  doing this,
but I can tell you, this takes quite a while, because with each file
I have to submit it first to COM and then send it in.
Does anybody know a faster way to do it?