[bionet.technology.conversion] Discussion on Gatlinburg meeting's BB service

TENHUNEN@finujo.bitnet (11/11/89)

*>Date: Fri, 10 Nov 89 09:09:43 -0500                                *
*>From: biotech@msr.EPM.ORNL.GOV (Elias Greenbaum)                   *
*>Message-Id: <8911101409.AA21566@msr.EPM.ORNL.GOV>                  *
*>To: tenhunen%finujo.BITNET@mitvma.mit.edu                          *
*>                                                                   *
*>To:       E. Juhani Tenhunen                                       *
*>                                                                   *
*>Subject:  Electronic Bulletin Board                                *
*>                                                                   *
*>The host computer for the electronic bulletin board for the Twelfth*
*>Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals is a PC/AT      *
*>connected to a modem and is designed to be accessed over the       *
*>telephone lines.                                                   *
*>                                                                   *
*>However, I am also on Internet but don't know how to set up a      *
*>bboard on this system.  I thought that it could only be used to    *
*>send messages back and forth, such as I am doing now.              *
*>                                                                   *
*>Elias Greenbaum                                                    *
*>Telephone 615-574-6835                                             *
*>Fax 615-574-6442                                                   *

Thank you for your letter!

Most people in the scientific world that are used to discussion via
telematic systems don't like normal phone calls from e.g. Finland
to USA, which will now cost USD 1.58 per minute. I, for example,
don't use a modem but our host computer in my international contacts.
The more accepted way is to use package networks, e.g. Datapac, that
are normally much cheaper and can be used normally via university host
computers or via modem and the nearest (and much cheaper) local service

International teleconferences can be arranged via News (bionet.
technology.conversion) or @NET.BIO.NET bulletin board services
much easier and cheaper (for all) than by the way you presented.
I and Eng-Leong Foo (P2269@COM.QZ.SE), the moderators of BIO-CONV
system, are in your service for your questions in this area.

Regards, Juhani Tenhunen, BIO-CONV co-moderator
Telephone +358 73 1513495
Fax +358 73 1513590