[bionet.technology.conversion] Gatlinburg discussion possibilities

TENHUNEN@finujo.bitnet (11/12/89)

Discussion on the possibilities of the distribution of the
Gatlinburg '90 abstracts will continue:

*>Date: Sat, 11 Nov 89 16:38:34 -0500                                 *
*>From: biotech@msr.EPM.ORNL.GOV (Elias Greenbaum)                    *
*>Message-Id: <8911112138.AA01136@msr.EPM.ORNL.GOV>                   *
*>To: tenhunen%finujo.BITNET@mitvma.mit.edu                           *
*>                                                                    *
*>To:       Juhani Tenhunen                                           *
*>From:     Elias Greenbaum                                           *
*>                                                                    *
*>The information on my bulletin board consists of the Announcement   *
*>and Call for Papers for the Twelfth Symposium on Biotechnology for  *
*>Fuels and Chemicals which will be held May 7-11, 1990, Gatlinburg,  *
*>Tennessee, USA plus registration and housing information for people *
*>wishing to attend.                                                  *

  We BIO-CONV readers have already read this information.

*>I also have posted all of the abstracts that were accepted for      *
*>presentation at last year's Eleventh Symposium which was held in    *
*>Colorado Springs, CO, USA.  This information is available for       *
*>downloading as files and can also be searched by key word ("on-     *
*>line" using Boolean logic operators) with a key word search         *
*>utility.                                                            *
*>                                                                    *
*>The abstracts that are accepted for the Twelfth Symposium will be   *
*>posted in a similar manner in February 1990.                        *
*>                                                                    *
*>I will be happy to make any or all of the above information         *
*>available to your subscribers.                                      *

  Thank you. Those BIO-CONV readers that are now interested in the
  1988 11th Symp. abstracts can then request you  the ones they are
  interested in, can't they? I had the idea that the abstracts
  you'll post in Feb. 1990 could be posted for comments in our
  BIO-CONV@NET.BIO.NET or bionet.conversion.technology system that
  could act as a worldwide conference site before and during the

*>I'm still confused by your use of the term "teleconferences."  As   *
*>I understand this term it means several people all on-line at the   *
*>same time with a host computer who can interact with each other in  *
*>real time at their computer terminal.                               *

  This is only one and perhaps the worst type in teleconferences,
  because the number of people that can be connected to the host
  computer in the same time is very limited.

  By now, even international really on-line teleconferences can be
  arranged by the use of RELAY sites with one-line messages, but
  this, too, don't be satisfactory.

  In scientific international teleconferences, best way to make
  discussion is to use either

  1) one host computer with a computer  conferencing software (e.g.
     CoSy developed by Guelph University, Canada, or Com/PortaCom
     systems developed in Stockholm University,   Sweden; the latter
     ones can act also as BB systems that send messages to the email
     addresses of foreign users) or

  2) the international News system where you can read the messages
     you want from the bionet.technology.conversion newsgroup in
     such host computers that run the bionet newsgroups, or

  3) the BB service that sends the messages of the BIO-CONV BB
     straight to the email address from you after you have sent
     the BIO-CONV subscription message to BIOSCI@NET.BIO.NET

*>Can I participate in one of your teleconferences so that I can      *
*>experience what you are describing?  I still don't understand how   *
*>it differs from group E-mail.                                       *

  I have sent my replies to you (this, too) via
  BIO-CONV@IRLEARN.UCD.IE, which is the European list server I use
  and which sends the message to you via the server you are using
  - I suppose that you get it via the slave list BIO+CONV@NET.BIO.NET

  If you send your next answer to BIO-CONV@NET.BIO.NET instead of
  tenhunen%finujo.bitnet@mitvma.mit.edu, every people reading the
  bionet.technology.conversion newsgroup or receiving BIO-CONV BB's
  can read it straight and reply to it so that you receive all the
  comments. Normal group E-mail don't have these advantages.

*>I heartily support any system that reduces the costs of communica- *
*>tion between scientists.                                           *
*>                                                                   *
*>Also, how can I log onto the Bioconverison Bulletin Board and read *
*>what is poster there?                                              *
*>With best wishes                                                   *
*>                                                                   *
*>Elias Greenbaum                                                    *

  If you get this answer by E-mail, I suppose you are already in
  the Bioconversion Bulletin Board, and get all the material that
  will be sent there.

  Regards, Juhani Tenhunen, M. Sc. (Eng)
           Research scientist
           University of Joensuu, Karelian Institute
           BIO-CONV co-moderator

kristoff@NET.BIO.NET (David Kristofferson) (11/17/89)

*>I heartily support any system that reduces the costs of communica- *
*>tion between scientists.                                           *
*>                                                                   *
*>Also, how can I log onto the Bioconverison Bulletin Board and read *
*>what is poster there?                                              *
*>With best wishes                                                   *
*>                                                                   *
*>Elias Greenbaum                                                    *


	You already are signed up to receive the BIO-CONVERSION
newsgroup into your personal mail file.  If you want access to USENET
you would have to either find a computer at your campus with access or
else you could get an account on the GenBank On-line Service and dial
us up.  The only extra that you would get is accesss to back messages
since you have been receiving current postings for several weeks.

				Dave Kristofferson
				GenBank On-line Service Manager
