[bionet.technology.conversion] Sender: Siegfried M Schoberth

P35067@com.qz.se (Siegfried Michael Schoberth) (01/02/90)

Comment: 471525
Subject: flax soaking waste warter
Dear Juhani:
     I am glad that I can help you. You could contact Professor Lettinga
(Wageningen) and he could tell you everything to do successful anaerobic
treatment of FLAX ROTTING waste waters. About 10 - 15 years ago, the flax
industry was working in the Netherlands. Dr. Lettinga did research on
anaerobic treatment of the wastewaters, and the results were "very, very
positive". Flax rotting wastewater contains completely soluble components
(mainly volatile fatty acids), and is an excellent substrate for anaerobic
treatment. Unfortunately (for further research along this line), there is
no industrial flax rotting anymore in the Netherlands.
     Now, Dr. Lettinga told me, he would be willing to share his research
experience on anaerobic treatment of flax rotting waste water with you.
this is his address:
     Prof. Dr. G. Lettinga
     Agricultural University Wageningen
     Bomenweg 2
     NL-6703-HD Wageningen

     Regards, Siggi