[bionet.technology.conversion] Bioconversion of sulphur oxides

TENHUNEN@finujo.bitnet (02/21/90)

Does anybody know the situation of the bioconversion possibilities
of sulphur oxides, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, carbonyl sulphide
of the exhaust gases of the soda kiln of the sulphate pulp process?

IBT006@djukfa11.bitnet (Siegfried M Schoberth) (02/23/90)

S-oxides: if it's SO2 it can be converted either to H2S or Sulfate
          Sulfate can be reduced to H2S
CO: it can be converted to CO2 or Acetate or methane
N-oxides: they can be reduced to ammonia or N2
     These are only a few thoughts which come into my mind right now,
during reading your message, Juhani. If you want to have more information
please say so.
     Regards, Siggi

Eng-Leong_Foo_@kom.komunity.se (02/27/90)

I have done some research on biodegradation of condensates from smoke
from wood-fired stoves; for both aerobic and anaerobic treatment processes.
If you are interested I can loan you the copy of the report I have.
Eng-leong Foo (MIRCEN-Stockholm)

IBT006@djukfa11.bitnet (Siegfried M Schoberth) (02/27/90)

I would be interested, Foo. Regards, Siggi.