[york.general] Call For Papers: Session Proposal Form

oz@yunexus.UUCP (Ozan Yigit) (08/04/89)

                          INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE

                   23rd Annual DECUS Canada Symposium
                   Harbour Castle Westin, Toronto, Ontario
                          January 22-26, 1990

Title: ........................................................................


Brief Title for Program Sessions-At-A-Glance:


          ORIENTATION:                             TECHNICAL LEVEL:

          __  General                              __  Novice

          __  Management                           __  Intermediate

          __  Technical                            __  Advanced


The Symposium Planning Committee attempts to group sessions by Special Interest
areas. Please indicate the most appropriate subject area(s) for your session.

      AI  __  Artificial Intelligence          PC  __  Personal Computing

      AP  __  Applications & Development       RX  __  RSX/RSTS/RT-11

      CN  __  Communications & Networking      SE  __  Security

      ED  __  Education                        UN  __  UNIX

      GR  __  Graphics Applications            VA  __  VMS Advance User

      MA  __  Management Issues                VN  __  VMS Novice/Intermediate

      OA  __  Office Automation                    __  Other (Indicate)........

      Desired length of session:   __ 1 Hour       __ 2 Hours

(Allow 10 minutes for introduction, questions and travelling between sessions.)
DECUS reserves the right to change requested time slots for the purpose of

A/V: A 35 mm slide projector, overhead projector, screen, flip chart and
microphone will be provided in every meeting room. If you require additional
A/V please specify below:


Speaker: ......................................................................

DECUS Membership Number: ......................................................

Company: ......................................................................


Address: ......................................................................

City: ............... Prov/State: ............... Postal/Zip Code: ............

Tel.No.(   ) .............. Electronic Mailing Address: .......................

                    SUBMISSION DEADLINE: August 31, 1989



Name: .........................................................................

DECUS Membership Number: ......................................................
Company: ......................................................................


Address: ......................................................................

City: ............... Prov/State: ............... Postal/Zip Code: ............

Tel.No.(   ) .............. Electronic Mailing Address: .......................

                    A B S T R A C T    O F    P A P E R

                       (limit to 200 words or less)




















MAIL TO:    Anne Murakami

            Symposia Coordinator
            DECUS Canada
            505 University Avenue, 15th Floor
            Toronto, Ontario  M5G 2H2

            Phone: (416) 597-3462   FAX: (416) 597-3113


                   S U B M I S S I O N    D E A D L I N E

                        A U G U S T   3 1,   1 9 8 9

They are like the Zen students who,	   Usenet:    oz@nexus.yorku.ca
when the master points at the moon,        ......!uunet!utai!yunexus!oz
continue to stare at his finger....        Bitnet: oz@[yulibra|yuyetti]
			P. da Silva        Phonet: +1 416 736-5257x3976