(Hal Peterson) (07/26/89)
I am using GhostScript 1.3 with the patches supplied by Tony Li and
snoopy's fix to interp.c. My platform is an 8MB Sun 3/50 running
SunOS 3.5. I am compiling with GCC 1.35.
As distributed, gs waits for two carriage returns before starting up.
This is annoying, and makes it difficult to redirect input to gs from
a PostScript file. The cause of this problem is a getchar() in x_open
that bears a mysterious comment saying that ``X LOSES OUTPUT
OTHERWISE.'' Well, I removed the getchar() and haven't lost any
output yet. Would the person who put in the getchar() please send me
a way to reproduce the problem it went in to fix? In the meantime, I
intend to run without it.
Hal Peterson Domain:
Cray Research Old style:
1440 Northland Dr. UUCP: uunet!cray!hrp
Mendota Hts, MN 55120 USA Telephone: +1 612 681 3145
*** gdevx-DIST.c Tue Jun 20 10:43:55 1989
--- gdevx.c Sun Jul 23 13:28:29 1989
*** 234,240 ****
XSetFunction(xdev->dpy, xdev->gc, GXcopy);
XSetLineAttributes(xdev->dpy, xdev->gc, 0, LineSolid, CapButt, JoinMiter);
XSync(xdev->dpy, 0);
- getchar(); /****** X LOSES OUTPUT OTHERWISE ******/
return 0;
--- 234,239 ----