[rec.humor.funny] Sex Aid financial appeal

DWW@stl.stc.co.uk (David Wright) (05/11/89)

A recent edition of the Guardian (a UK quality newspaper for those who don't 
know) had a story titled "Charity's great sex appeal" reporting that Marie 
Stopes International, a charity which raises money for the Third World, is 
launching "Sex Aid" to finance birth control in countries where rising 
populations are threatening the environment.   

Couples are urged to keep a tin by the bed and put 25 pence in it every time
they make love, and send the resulting collection to the charity. 

MSI's fund-raising manager Ms Patricia Hindmarsh said "It is a serious
suggestion.   I think it will help people focus on the fact that they have 
the freedom to make love without producing another mouth to feed". 

The part of the story that I liked best, and the reason I'm forwarding it to
this newsgroup, is the Guardian's comment at the end of the story: 

"Research suggests that the average British couple could donate at least 
#12.50 a year."

Edited by Brad Templeton.  MAIL, yes MAIL your jokes to funny@looking.UUCP
Attribute the joke's source if at all possible.  I will reply, mailers willing.
I reply to all submissions, but about 30% of the replies bounce.