[rec.humor.funny] Ask, and ye shall receive

howeird@hpwrce.UUCP (Howard Stateman) (06/19/89)

[Offensive to large bodies of water]

The old Jewish man was walking on the beach with his only grandson,
when a giant wave crashes onshore, sweeping the boy out to sea. 
The man looks up to the heavens and says "Oh Lord, this is my only
grandson, how can you take him away from me like this? My son will
not understand. My daughter-in-law will die from grief."

Another wave comes by, and deposits the boy at the old man's feet.

The gandfather looks to the heavens again and says, "He had a hat!"

Howard Stateman, Hewlett-Packard Response Center, Mountain View, CA
Edited by Brad Templeton.  MAIL, yes MAIL your jokes to funny@looking.ON.CA
Attribute the joke's source if at all possible.  I will reply, mailers willing.

Remember: Only ONE joke per submission.  Extra jokes may be rejected.