[rec.humor.funny] You get what you pay for

2014_5001@uwovax.uwo.ca (A.R. PRUSS) (07/11/89)

(The World-Famous Margaliot Joke Hotline Selection follows:)

A tired traveller pulls into a hotel around midnight.  Very tired after
a long day's trip he asks the clerk for a single room.  As the clerk fills
out the paperwork, the man looks around and sees a gorgeous blonde sitting
in the lobby.

He tells the clerk to wait while he disappears into the lobby.  After a
minute he comes back, with the girl on his arm.

"Fancy meeting my 'wife' here," he says to the clerk.  "Guess I'll need a
double room for the night."

Next morning, he comes to settle his bill, and finds the amount to be over
$3000.  "What's the meaning of this?" he yells at the clerk.  "I've only
been here one night!"

"Yes," says the clerk, "but your wife has been here for three weeks."
Edited by Brad Templeton.  MAIL, yes MAIL your jokes to funny@looking.ON.CA
Attribute the joke's source if at all possible.  I will reply, mailers willing.

If you MUST reply to a rejection, include a description of your joke
because there is 0 chance I will remember which one it was.