[rec.humor.funny] Eskimo

ertem@Polya.Stanford.EDU (Tuna Ertemalp) (08/23/89)

Read in a Turkish newspaper:

A tourist goes to the pole, and meets an Eskimo.

  "During the summer you don't have any nights, and during the winter
you don't have any days... What do you do during that endless summer
day?" he asks.

  "We go fishing, and make love to our women" the Eskimo replies.

The tourist thinks a while, and asks another question:

  "Then, what do you do during that endless winter night?"

Eskimo grins:

  "We don't go fishing..."

Edited by Brad Templeton.  MAIL, yes MAIL your jokes to funny@looking.ON.CA
Attribute the joke's source if at all possible.  I will reply, mailers willing.

If you MUST reply to a rejection, include a description of your joke
because there is 0 chance I will remember which one it was.