(paul northrup) (09/14/89)
Top 10 Iranian T-shirt Slogans 10. IRAQ Busters 9. Surf Straits of Hormuz 8. Mom and Dad blew up a bus load of tourists and all I got was this lousy T-shirt 7. Death to all Americans except Motley Crue 6. Official veil inspector 5. Kiss me I'm a walking time bomb 4. I've been tested for sand chiggers 3. You don't have to be crazy to set yourself on fire and run into an enemy tank ... but it sure helps 2. If you don't ride a camel you ain't shiite 1. Spuds Khomenini: The original party animal -- David Letterman -- Edited by Brad Templeton. MAIL, yes MAIL your jokes to funny@looking.ON.CA Attribute the joke's source if at all possible. I will reply, mailers willing. Jokes ABOUT major current events should be sent to topical@looking.ON.CA