[rec.humor.funny] Is This a Joke?

GPHIBBS@genie (Gerry Phibbs) (10/03/89)

   There were four nuns, who had been together in the same convent all of their
adult years, all having become nuns immediately after leaving high school.  Now
in their mid forties, these nuns began to discuss how much of real life they
had missed, and how limited had been their experiences in the "real" world.
Finally they conceived a plan, to correct this lack of experience, before their
looks were entirely gone.  They pooled such savings as they had, borrowed money
from relatives, and all four went on a long weekend junket flight to that ever
popular, world capital of sin, Las Vegas.
   As soon as they hit Vegas, the four nuns ditched their habits, and did the
rounds of all the beauty shops, the boutiques, and the shopping malls.  All
dolled up, made up, and ready to go, they spent the entire weekend "out on the
town" in Vegas, having a marvelous time, and catching the red-eye back home
Sunday night.
   Monday morning they went to their parish priest, and asked him if he could
hear their confessions that morning, to which the priest replied, "Certainly
sisters, just line up here outside the confessional, and I'll hear your
confessions one at a time."
   The first nun entered the confessional, beginning her confession as usual,
and then told the priest about her trip to Vegas...
          - "Father, I have gambled, I have drunk spirits, I have smoked, and I
had a wonderful time.  I also touched a man's penis with my left hand."
   The priest nearly had heart failure, but slowly he composed himself, and
said to the nun...
          - "Sister, if you are truly repentant, say three Hail Mary's, perform
one act of charity, and dip your left hand in the Holy Water, and you shall be
   With that, the first nun left, and second nun entered...
         - "Father, forgive me, for I have sinned.  I have partaken of alcohol,
I have worn make-up, I have used tobacco, and in general I had a terrific time.
 Also, I touched a man's penis with my right hand."
   The priest was nearly catatonic with this news, but as he recovered, he told
the nun...
          - "Sister, if you are truly repentant, say three Hail Mary's, perform
two acts of charity, and dip your right hand in the Holy Water, and you shall
be forgiven."
   The second nun left, and all of a sudden, all hell broke loose outside the
confessional.  The priest opened the door to see the last two nuns fighting,
wrestling on the floor, and destroying their clothes  and the church in the
process.  The priest shouted at them to stop, saying...
          - "In Heavens name, stop this, you are sisters!  There is no need to
fight like this, over anything.  I will hear your confessions equally, please
stop this!"
   One nun was sitting astride the other, throttling the nun on the bottom with
one hand, and hitting her with the other.  She stopped in mid swing and said...
          - "Listen Father,... If you think I'm gonna gargle with that Holy
Water, AFTER she's sat in it, you've got another damn think coming!"

Edited by Brad Templeton.  MAIL, yes MAIL your jokes to funny@looking.ON.CA
Attribute the joke's source if at all possible.  I will reply, mailers willing.

If you MUST reply to a rejection, include a description of your joke
because there is 0 chance I will remember which one it was.