(Craig Farrell) (11/14/89)
D: Vs Gnemna naq Wnar jrer Xvjv'f jung qbrf gung znxr Purrgn? N: Fznegre guna gur cnve bs gurz. {rq Jbj, n arj traer bs wbxrf! Sbyybjhcf jvgu arj wbxrf gb erp.uhzbe} -- Edited by Brad Templeton. MAIL, yes MAIL your jokes to funny@looking.ON.CA Attribute the joke's source if at all possible. I will reply, mailers willing. If you don't know how to decode this, ask a fellow reader at or near your site. DON'T ASK ME. You take full responsibilty for decrypting the joke, and you give up all right to complain about its offensiveness if you do. If you MUST complain, look or ask for the RHF offensive jokes policy sheet.