[rec.humor.funny] a new, *very* high tech computer virus

sidney@saturn.ucsc.edu (Sidney Markowitz) (01/03/90)

The following was posted on comp.virus (VIRUS-L digest), attributed to
John McAfee's (of the Computer Virus Industry Association) BBS.

To: All Users

From: John McAfee

Subject: Reported Possible Virus

I received an unusual call from a Mr. Fred Hankel of Fargo,
North Dakota this morning.  Mr. Hankel was highly agitated
and after hearing his long and involved story, I was moved
to pass on this condensed summary to all who might be
interested: Mr. Hankel reports, and I have no grounds for
doubting, that a computer virus invaded his system from a
bingo game he purchased in mid-October.  The virus activated
at 11:00 A.M yesterday and promptly melted his power supply
and mother board.  As he reached for the power switch to
turn off the machine, the virus blasted a perfectly circular
hole in the front panel of his AT clone and left a three
foot oval scorch mark on the back wall of his den.  I had
not heard of this virus before and felt that an alert might
be in order.  Anyone experiencing similar symptoms should
contact us immediately.

Thank you.

Edited by Brad Templeton.  MAIL, yes MAIL your jokes to funny@looking.ON.CA
Attribute the joke's source if at all possible.  I will reply, mailers willing.

If you MUST reply to a rejection, include a description of your joke
because there is 0 chance I will remember which one it was.