(John "The Squid" Byrd) (01/16/90)
like dudez! this is the ****IRON EMU**** leving you this mesg to let you know that the BIRD TRIUMVERATE wich is ME (the *****IRON EMU******, the DEATH SQUID and SINTAX ERROR are still up and writng code which is in our new demoprogramme! so all you VIC20 computer users be sure to check out our new demo called ASTERISKS AND SPACES! if you send computer mail for it i probably wont reply becuase i don't know how just yet (but my older borther will help out ... are you like SICK of being turned down acess to buletin boreds like the BIRD TRIUMVERATE is? then call the new bbs i set up last night becuase it is so RAD! it is the EMU CONNECTION and the primary password is PHLEGM. the secondary password is also PHLEGM. the teritary password is STERNUTATION. the quaternarty password is ANTIDISESTABLISHMENTARIANISM. after that there are no more passwords (but alot of asterisks and spaces for awhile. me and the DEATH SQUID wrote the buletin board last night in LESS THAN AN OUR! lets see some other hack group like the SILVER SLOTHS OF 606 try to rite such a RAD buletin board on a vic20 computer!!!!!!!!!!!!! all you have to do to get a password is write to us and tell wich buletin boreds you have been refused acess to. ALSO NO MEMBERS OF THE NASTY NEWTS OF 909 ALOWED becuase you dudez SUCK!!!!!!!!!!! if you write to us at (it migt be better to use real mail instead of the computer mail sistem becuase we might not get it becuase im still not exactly sure how to read it ... soon there will be an opton on the bbs to dwonload vic20 software automaticly but right now if you select the dwonload opton from the main meu i will pick up the phone and read the right program to you and you can copy it down. for this reson you should have a pensil ready when you select the dwonload opton. right now the onley dwonloadable program is ASTERISKS AND SPACES but we are working on our new demoprogramme called AMPERSANDS AND SPACES. so dudez! we got a place now where all the RADEST DUDEZ excange the hotest vic20 warez and that is THE EMU CONNECTION!!!!!!!! so call between 4pm-10pm becuase i don't get home from school until 4 (my dad says if we get any calls after 10pm he l'l rip out my modem and feed it to the cat. TERIBLE TYPISTS OF 202 NOT ALOWED becuase you dudez SUCK!!!!!!!! so call our rad bbs, where the dwonload is free, paretheses dont match, redundent excalmation marks are HOT and SPELING DOESNT COUNT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well my dads yelling at me to get off the dam fone so L8R dudez.... ************ ********** ********* * * ******** * * * * * * * * * ** * * ** ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ********** * * * * * ******** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ************ * * ********* * * ******** * * ********** (my real name is I.M. Tenn -- Edited by Brad Templeton. MAIL, yes MAIL your jokes to funny@looking.ON.CA Attribute the joke's source if at all possible. I will reply, mailers willing. If you MUST reply to a rejection, include a description of your joke because there is 0 chance I will remember which one it was.