[rec.humor.funny] happy un-valentine, dear

douglis@sprite.berkeley.edu (Fred Douglis) (03/05/90)

Seen in the Valentines listings in the Daily Californian:

	Dearest Annette,

	#include <stdio.h>
	    int time;
	    for(time=0; time<infinity(1); time++);
		printf("I love you|n");    [sic]
	By the way, Carnelian Room tonight at 7pm.
	Pick you up at 6pm.
	Luv, Kevin

** spoiler warning **
if you know C, look at this carefully.  in case you don't, there's an
explanation below of what i found funny.  
** spoiler warning **

(explanation: the ";" at the end of the "for" statement means that
the program is going to loop forever and never print the "I love you"

think kevin is trying to tell annette something?

	1) kevin doesn't really love annette.

	2) kevin is a lousy C programmer

	3) kevin places ads in newspapers with editors who are lousy
	   C programmers and correct nonexistent mistakes.

	4) kevin likes to burn CPU cycles.

Edited by Brad Templeton.  MAIL your jokes (jokes ONLY) to funny@looking.ON.CA
Attribute the joke's source if at all possible.  I will reply, mailers willing.

Remember: If you POST your joke instead of mailing it, I will not reply.