[rec.humor.funny] An interesting textbook question

bigz@athena.mit.edu (Jonathan) (03/23/90)

Keywords: double meaning, amusing, slightly sexual

I was sitting in my room, doing my homework, when I came across this
question in my polymer engineering textbook (_Principles of Polymer
Engineering_ by N. G. McCrum, C. P. Buckley, and C. B. Bucknall):

"3.12 In Chapter 5 a condition is derived (eqn (5.7)) for determining
 when localized deformation ('necking') will spontaneously occur during
 uniaxial extension of a bar of materal.  Show that this condition is
 never satisfied during uniaxial extension of an ideal rubber obeying
 Gaussian statistics.  Such a material therefore extends uniformly."

Go ahead and try to read it out loud, especially to a good friend. ;-)
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