(Graham Wilson) (05/07/90)
[This joke was making the rounds when I worked at the Bank of Montreal about six years ago. I do not know the identity of the original author.] A woman seven months pregnant got on a streetcar. She sat opposite a young man, who started to smile. She moved to another seat and the young man began to grin. Feeling embarrassed she changed her seat and the young man began to chuckle. Again she changed her seat and the young man laughed out loud. Slightly insulted she complained to the conductor, who in turn had the young man arrested. The case came up in court the next day. The judge asked the young man if he had anything to say. "Well your honor," the young man said. "it's this way: When the lady entered the streetcar, her condition was apparent, which in itself was not funny. She sat under the sign ``The Goldust Twins are Coming'' and I had to smile. Then she sat under the sign ``Sloan's Liniment Will Reduce the Swelling'' and I had to grin. She moved again under the sign ``William's Stick Did It'' and I had to chuckle. But your honor, when she sat under the sign ``Goodyear Rubber Could Have Prevented this Accident'' I simply could not control myself!" -- Edited by Brad Templeton. MAIL your jokes (jokes ONLY) to funny@looking.ON.CA Attribute the joke's source if at all possible. A Daemon will auto-reply. If you don't need a reply, submit to instead.