[rec.humor.funny] Another Computer Genesis

shoulson@cunixf.cc.columbia.edu (Mark E. Shoulson) (05/30/90)

( Note:  sequels may or may not be forthcoming )

In the beginning, God created the RAM and the ROM.  And the core was empty,
and the CPU was idle, and the registers thereof were all zero.  And God
said, "Let there be power."  And there was power.  And God saw the power 
that it was good, and God divided between the zeroes and the ones, and he
called the ones "true," and the zeroes he called, "false."  And there was
power-down, and there was power-up, the first cycle.

And God said, "Let there be a division between the RAM and the ROM, that the
one be volatile, and the one not," and it was so.  And God made the division,
to divide between memory and memory.  And there was power-down, and there
was power-up, the second cycle.

And God said, "Let there be ROM subroutines in the ROM," and it was so.  And
the ROM brought forth subroutines and all the pointers thereof.  And God saw 
the subroutines that they were good.  And there was power-down, and there was 
power-up, the third cycle.

And God said, "Let there be power-supplies, to supply power to the CPU and
the core and all the peripherals thereof."  And God made the power-supplies,
the Uninterruptible Power Supplies to power the larger systems, and the
Surge Surpressors to power the smaller systems.  And God saw the power-
supplies that they were good. And there was power-down, and there was 
power-up, the fourth cycle.

And God said, "Let the RAM teem with programs and compilers and interpreters,
with all the pointers thereof," and it was so.  And God made all the
programs:  the databases and spreadsheets and compilers and interpreters
and all the DOC files thereof.  And God saw the programs that they were
good.  And there was power-down, and there was power-up, the fifth cycle.

And God said, "Let there be users, and let them have dominion over all
the programs in the operating system, and all those not in it, and over
all the subroutines in the ROM below."  And God created the users, both
programmer and operator he created them, to be masters of the core. 
And he commanded them, "Be fruitful, and multiply the programs and their 
complexity over all the system."  And God looked upon all he had made, 
and found it was very good.  And there was power-down, and there was 
power-up, the sixth cycle.

Thus was the system finished, and on the seventh cycle God rested, and
the CPU was idle.  And God blessed the seventh cycle, for on that cycle he
finished all the work which he had done.
Edited by Brad Templeton.  MAIL your jokes (jokes ONLY) to funny@looking.ON.CA
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