[rec.humor.funny] Followups to the "Shit Happens" list

stuart@orac.hq.ileaf.com (Stuart Freedman x1708) (05/31/90)

{ed Additions to the "Shit Happens," as interpreted by world religions, list.}

Relayed-From: io!ileaf!sunne!East!bruces (Bruce Sesnovich - Sun BOS Information Architecture)

I offer my own additions:

EXISTENTIALISM:  Shit doesn't happen; shit is.

JEHOVAH's WITNESSES:  No shit happens until Armaggedon.

ISLAM:  When shit happens, kill Salman Rushdie.

SECULAR HUMANISM:  Shit evolves.

REFORM JUDAISM:  Got any Kaopectate?
CHRISTIAN SCIENCE:  When shit doesn't happen, don't call a doctor--pray. 


And also From: pszila@u.washington.edu (Peter Szilard)

SHIT HAPPENS in various world religions:

TAOISM:  Shit happens.

CONFUCIANISM:  Confucious says, "Shit happens".

BUDDHISM:  If shit happens, it isn't really shit.

HINDUISM:  This shit has happened before.

PROTESTANTISM:  If shit happens, it happens to someone else.

CATHOLICISM:  If shit happens, you deserved it.

JUDAISM:  Why does shit always happen to US?

ISLAM:  If shit happens, kill the person(s) responsible.
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