[rec.humor.funny] Bush: Watch my lips

kstock@gouldfr.encore.fr (Kevin STOCK - MIS (Compta)) (07/11/90)

This comes from "Week Ending", a satirical news program on
BBC Radio 4 (which I still manage to get in France).

        BUSH:   Watch my nose: no new taxes.

        QUAYLE: Er ... Mr President ...
                That's meant to be "Watch my lips".

        BUSH:   No, Dan. If they watch my lips, they'll see that
                I'm lying through my teeth.
                Watch my nose, no new taxes.

        QUAYLE: Er ... Mr President ... Your nose ... It's getting longer!
Edited by Brad Templeton.  MAIL your jokes (jokes ONLY) to funny@looking.ON.CA
Attribute the joke's source if at all possible.  A Daemon will auto-reply.

Remember: PLEASE spell check and proofread your jokes.  You think I have
time to hand-correct everybody's postings?