[rec.humor.funny] She's a witch! Burn her! Proof by Resolution Theorem Proving

ji@close.cs.columbia.edu (John Ioannidis) (12/05/90)

My officemate is the TA for Artificial Intelligence, and today he was
explaining Resolution Theorem Proving using Predicate Calculus to a
bunch of students. They were looking for an example, so I suggested
they use Sir Bedevere's proof that the girl the villagers were trying
to burn was, indeed, a witch (in "Monty Python and the Holy Grail").
They thought it would take too long, but I worked out the proof anyway.

Without repeating the dialog (which is a copyrighted work, but at
least one person at your site should be able to recite it by heart!),
here are Sir Bedevere's arguments, expressed in Predicate Calculus
(only those pertinent to the proof are included. Let us not worry
about the truth of some of these implications).

[1] 	BURNS(x) /\ WOMAN(x)	 	=>	WITCH(x)
[3]	\forall x, ISMADEOFWOOD(x)	=>	BURNS(x)
[4]	\forall x, FLOATS(x) 		=>	ISMADEOFWOOD(x)
[6]	\forall x,y FLOATS(x) /\ SAMEWEIGHT(x,y) =>	FLOATS(y)
and, by experiment

Now, remember how we do resolution; we refute the statement we try to
prove and try to resolve the statemets to nil (false). The way we do
that is by putting the statements in Conjunctive Normal Form (a list
of statements whose terms are connected with logical or's), and then
using pairs of statements where a term appears in both affirmative and
negated form, and resolving. For more information on RTP, consult any
AI textbook.

First, we reduce [1] through [7] to Conjunctive Normal Form

	[1] yields
	~(BURNS(x) /\ WOMAN(x)) \/ WITCH(x)
	which yields

[9]	~BURNS(x) \/ ~WOMAN(x) \/ WITCH(x)

	[3] yields


	[4] yields


	[6] yields
	~(FLOATS(x) /\ SAMEWEIGHT(x,y)) \/ FLOATS(y)
	which yields

[12]    ~FLOATS(x) \/ ~SAMEWEIGHT(x, y) \/ FLOATS(y)

	Now we are trying to prove WITCH(GIRL), so we add 


	and we'll try to resolve these statements to a NIL.


Substituting DUCK and GIRL for x and y in [12] we get:


which we resolve with [7] to get 


which we resolve with [5] to get


We substitute GIRL for x in [11] and we get


which we resolve with [16] to get


We substitute GIRL for x in [10] to get


which we resolve with [18] to get


Now we substitute GIRL for x in [9] to get


which we resolve with [20] to get


which we resolve with [2] to get 


which we resolve with [13]

to get 

which proves, once and for all, that the villagers were right and the
girl was indeed a witch! BURN HER!


In-Real-Life: John "Heldenprogrammer" Ioannidis
E-Mail-To: ji@cs.columbia.edu
V-Mail-To: +1 212 854 8120
P-Mail-To: 450 Computer Science \n Columbia University \n New York, NY 10027

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