[rec.humor.funny] Roberts, Falwell, Schuler

IRVINMJ@wsuvm1.csc.wsu.edu (Michael J. Irvin, WSU, 509/335-0437) (01/26/91)

Source: Passed to me by a colleague at the University of Idaho

Did you hear the one about the day Oral Roberts, Jerry Falwell and Robert
Schuler were driving to a big "tent meeting" together?  Unfortunately,
they were involved in a terrible accident and all three were killed.
As you might expect they all ascended into heaven and came to standing in
front of the Pearly Gates.  St. Peter greeted them and welcomed them to
heaven.  Then he started to hem and haw around and finally explained that
they hadn't any advance notice of this situation and so weren't quite
prepared for three so illustrious and holy men.  He explained how all
three of them qualified for the very finest accomodations heaven had to
offer including very large and splendid mansions, but they weren't quite
ready so would they mind waiting a few days?

They replied that they wouldn't mind waiting, but were they just going
to have to stand there for several days?  St. Peter said no, he
believed he could arrange temporary quarters for them in Hell.  Sometimes
Satan was willing to help out in emergencies, whereupon he placed a call
to Brother Satan and made the arrangements.  They descended into Hell.

Noon on the fourth day after their descent St. Peter gets a frantic
phone call from the Devil demanding that he remove these three guys from
hell immediately.  St. Peter couldn't believe his ears and asked what
could possibly be wrong with these three upstanding people.

The Devil replied, "They are ruining my place down here.  In less than
four days Jerry Falwell has saved everybody, Oral Roberts has healed
everybody, and Robert Schuler has raised enough money to air condition
the whole damn place!!"
Edited by Brad Templeton.  MAIL your jokes (jokes ONLY) to funny@looking.ON.CA
Attribute the joke's source if at all possible.  A Daemon will auto-reply.

Remember: PLEASE spell check and proofread your jokes.  You think I have
time to hand-correct everybody's postings?