(Richard Shelby) (01/29/91)
Wbua erprvirf n cubar pnyy. "Uryyb," ur nafjref. Gur ibvpr ba gur bg bgure raq fnlf, "Guvf vf Fhfna. Jr zrg n cnegl nobhg 3 zbaguf ntb." Wbua: "Uzz... Fhfna? nobhg 3 zbaguf ntb?" Fhfna: "Lrf, vg jnf ng Ovyy'f ubhfr. Nsgre gur cnegl lbh gbbx zr ubzr. Ba gur jnl jr cnexrq naq tbg vagb gur onpx frng. Lbh gbyq zr V jnf n tbbq fcbeg." Wbua: "Bu, lrnu! Fhfna! Ubj ner lbh?" Fhfna: "V'z certanag naq V'z tbvat gb xvyy zlfrys." Wbua: "Fnl, lbh NER n tbbq fcbeg." -- Edited by Brad Templeton. MAIL your jokes (jokes ONLY) to funny@looking.ON.CA Attribute the joke's source if at all possible. A Daemon will auto-reply. If you don't know how to decode this, ask a fellow reader at or near your site. DON'T ASK ME. You take full responsibilty for decrypting the joke, and you give up all right to complain about its offensiveness if you do. If you MUST complain, look or ask for the RHF offensive jokes policy sheet.