[rec.humor.funny] Inspection, Detection and Rejection Standard

scannell@bubba.ma30.bull.com (P Scannell) (02/06/91)

Copyright 1991 Patrick D. Scannell
Used by Permission

   Please review this document thoroughly, then throw it away.
              This Draft subsedes all future drafts.
   There will be an open review of this Standard two weeks ago.
             You are cordially not invited to attend.
  This document has no purpose.  We just threw it together for
  laughs.  Since it exists, however, by the laws of physics, can
  neither be created nor destroyed.
  This is a devolving standard.  With each revision it becomes more
  convoluted and confusing.
  Objections, protections and retrospections apply to the following
  comedy products:
    - Episodes of the Forbidden Zone (except this one)
    - Directline memos
    - Development schedules produced prior to the design phase
  for both velopment and development.
  It is recommended that anyone reading this standard verify that
  their life and health insurance premiums are paid up.
  Take notes.  There will be a test later.
Reviews Versus Convections, Intellections and Injections
  Reviews, such as the New York Times Review of Books, are
  magazines which cover a subject in a very broad manner.
  Employees are free to subscribe to as many reviews as they wish
  prior to obtaining a Clean compilation.  (The Clean compiler is
  available from Harry Clean, Inc. for a nominal fee.)
  An issue meeting is a meeting whose purpose is to attempt to
  surface issues, then bury them deeper so that they won't surface
  again.  These may be held, but must be kept secret.
  A pre-inspection meeting may be held before the product is
  written, in which the producer describes what the document would
  look like, how long it would be, what color ink and so forth.
  Since these meetings are totally useless, it is expected that
  they will be held often.
  Detractions, infractions and impactions by a team of at least 9
  detractors, infractors and impactors are required to be held no
  later than the end of Component Test or the beginning of the
  Design Phase, whichever comes first.  For extremely lengthy
  meetings, an 18-person team is used, operating under normal
  tag-team rules.  This requirement is waived if Component Test and
  the subsequent design effort do not take place until after
  product shipment.
  Technical audits continue to be required, however they will now
  be performed by trained I.R.S. auditors who will be empowered to
  impose fines and jail terms of up to 20 years.  (These extreme
  penalties will only be imposed for such offenses as writing
  uncommented assembly language and use of the COBOL Alter
  In order to formalize the process, employees are not allowed to
  talk to one another except in the course of the above process
2 Objectives, Subjectives, Objections, Subjections, Roles, Rules
and Procedures
  The immediate objective of a dejection, protection and
  genuflection is to remove the true portions ("de facts") from the
  comedy product without removing what little humor there is.
  The long term subjective is to get the thing finished and sent so
  that real work can be done.
The Objection Team
  There are 9 key roles related to holding a compaction.
  1. The Producer is the person responsible for creating the comedy
  product.  The Producer may not also be the Catcher or Shortstop,
  but may play Goalie or take an occasional free throw.
  2. The Director is the person who directed the producer to do
  what he or she did.  The Director may not also be the Inquisitor,
  although he may help heat up the hot irons.  An extinction may be
  held without the Director present if he doesn't mind the fact
  that the Producer will try to blame him for everything.

  3. The Moderator is responsible for making sure that the team is
  all in place before the doors are locked, and for preventing
  lynchings and other mob actions.
  4. The Catcher is responsible for making sure no one gets out of
  the room alive until the meeting is finished.  Not even to go to
  the bathroom.
  5. The Reader is responsible for reading the thing being
  introspected in a droning monotone.
  6. The Recorder is responsible for taking notes.
  7. The Decoder is responsible for reading the notes.
  8. The Discorder is responsible for destroying the notes after
  they've been read, so as not to leave a paper trail of the
  meeting.  Optimally, it should be impossible to prove that the
  meeting ever took place.
  9. The Inspector is responsible for behaving as much as possible
  like Inspector Clouseau as played by Peter Sellers: speaking in a
  bad French accent, knocking things over, accidentally setting
  fire to important documents and generally disrupting the meeting.
  10.The Domino's Pizza Delivery Person, while not strictly a team
  member, will often be critical to the success of the meeting.
  The minimum team consists of 2 people, the Recorder and
  Discorder.  This requires picking up the pizza ahead of time,
  See Appendix F for definition.
  The key point of preparation is to ensure that the team arrives
  at the meeting place on time.  If members arrive late, it is very
  difficult to let them in without (1) allowing other team members
  to escape and (2) divulging the true nature of the meeting,
  causing them to flee.  It is generally advisable to lead team
  members to believe they are attending a completely different
  function, for example a surprise party.
  No one knows what goes on in these meetings.  If the Discorders
  do their jobs properly, no one ever will.
After the Meeting
  Survivors should be kept under medical observation for 48 hours.

Resource Guidelines
  A reaction, restriction and eviction will normally cover
  approximately 20,000,000 words per hour.  Note that a picture is
  worth a thousand words -- two thousand if it is colored neatly
  (staying within the lines) in crayon.
  Schedule meetings to be no more than 48 hours long.  36 is
Comedy Product: Zone 105
Release: NO
Refraction and Action Type: No Progress Review
Major Defects                           Type
    The author                          Screws Missing
Minor Defects
    The jokes and the premise           Not Funny
[Other potential defect types: Incomprehensible, Too True,
Edited by Brad Templeton.  MAIL your jokes (jokes ONLY) to funny@looking.ON.CA
Attribute the joke's source if at all possible.  A Daemon will auto-reply.

Remember: PLEASE spell check and proofread your jokes.  You think I have
time to hand-correct everybody's postings?