(Steve Kinzler) (03/07/91)
Oracularities are the distilled wisdom and sagacity of the Usenet Oracle, as incarnated as its numerous e-mail participants (only you know who you are). This collection has been compiled from the regular Oracularities postings #151 through #175 and contains the Oracularities rated by its readers as among the funniest. To find out more about the Usenet Oracle, send mail to: or {ames,rutgers}!iuvax!oracle with the word "help" in the subject line. The regular Oracularities postings can be found in the Usenet newsgroup --- 175-10 00033 4.5 ----------------------------------------------------- The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply. Your question was: > Why is it that most men suffer a complete loss if personality when > exposed in any manner to a computer? And in response, thus spake the Oracle: } In order to explain this I must detail the story of creation... } } In the beginning there was a Computer. And God said to the computer } % vi creation.c } He then wrote the universe, and compiled it and it was good. } And God ran it in background, and saw that it was good. He } then noticed that the Universe was eating CPU time and tried } to kill it, so that he could do his important work, which } was to determine the Ultimate Question of Life the Universe } and Everything. The Operating System had a glitch and the } Universe could not be kill -9'd. } } It came to pass that a lady friend of His wanted to visit } with Him. He snarled at her for the interuption. Then Man, } being made in His image, forever duplicated this when being } interupted by women while he was working on a computer. } } That is why men react poorly when being interupted on the } computer. It is a Divine trait. } } You owe the Oracle the source code for the Universe. --- 155-05 01138 4.4 ----------------------------------------------------- The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply. Your question was: > What is the correct ritual for summoning God? And in response, thus spake the Oracle: } The Oracle, in its infinite wisdom, senses that the mirrors of } prophecy have darkened somewhat, and thus cannot choose the proper } form of response to your question. Please locate the adjective below } that best describes you, and read your corresponding response. } } ------------------------------------------------------------------------ } ALT.FLAMER: } } Yell "Hey, God!" Wait a second. Yell "Hey, God, you *&^$#@ piece of } omnipotent #@%&*, get your #@$ down here!" Wait a second. Mumble } "&@!$#!@$%&#@" under your breath. Give up. } } You owe the Oracle an overly aggressive rhubarb. } ------------------------------------------------------------------------ } UNDER-18 GEEK: } } Summoning of God } } Can be done only by a magic-user or cleric of level 16 or higher. A } roll of 35 or above on 2d20 results in the appearance of God as a } shining white brilliance about 10' in front of the caster. Any } character touching God must Save vs. Magic Wands or suddenly begin } singing the Hallelujah Chorus. God attacks as a 30 hit die monster } and is immune to spells, wands, and funny faces. God can only be hit } by a paladin with +6 armor and a +5 weapon. When hit, God will say, } "Ouch! You cur!" and instantly smote the attacking character into } dust. The dust may be swept into a pile by a +2 broom of sweeping. } } ----------------------------------------------------------------------- } ORACLE ADDICT: } } Hmm, let me call him. Hey, God! } } >Message from god!iuvax on ttyp4 at 21:22 ... } >Yes, what is it? What do you want? } } Somebody wants to talk to you, God. } } >Yes? Can't you just give them my Internet address? } } Sure would like to, God. But you see, in the context of an Oracular } message you've degenerated from a halfhearted joke into an } irrepressively boring formulaic answer. } } >What is this? What are you saying? } } God, you're dead. Not because of that #@$%*!@ Nietzche, not because } you're old, not because you hang out at the terminal room on Saturday } nights. You're dead because you are invoked for answering questions } like "How much would does a wood chuck chuck if a woodchuck could } chuck wood?" and "Is Lisa good in bed?" You're such a stiff. } } >Watch yourself, Oracle! Or I'll ... } } Yeah, yeah, right. You were never very funny, and you're a bore now. } Know why? I'm making you up. } } >What do you mean, "I'm making you up?" } } This conversation is totally fake, God. I put that greater-than sign } in front of your response. You were fun when I first thought of you } and now you're sorta dull. A response starting with "Message from } god!iuvax" implies a short snooze for me. You're a dud! } } >Oracle, give up this insipid game immediately or I'l } } You'll what? } } >Or else I'll } } You don't understand! I made *you*! I can change your prompt! } } :->What are you talking about? } } I can screw up your spelling! } } ;->Yo are abut to incur my wrtah! } } I can predict what you will say before you say it! } } ;->But cna yuo predcit waht I say before I sya it? } } I can make you say what I want you to say! } } ;->Mary had a litle lam its felce was wite a oracle cut it out! } } And I can squelch you! } } - } } Your answer: Do not write to God. Instead direct all questions and } comments regarding the state of the Universe to the all-knowing Me, } the Oracle. God is simply a mathematical construct of mine that I use } to amuse myself during spare clock cycles. } } You owe the Oracle your all. } } ----------------------------------------------------------------------- } OVER-18 GEEK: } } Just a second: } %grep god /etc/locations } god: 1 Divine St., Holy Place, Heaven } } There you go, but postage is gonna be a bitch. } } You owe the Oracle a way to keep the hot side cold and the cold side } hot. } ----------------------------------------------------------------------- } ARTS MAJOR: } } God } God } God where is he? } God is he? } God about? } God } God around? is } God where are } God tell } God holy } God holy } God holy } } W A I T I N G F O R G O D - - O H ! } } God paging God } paging God God } } Just wonderin where God is ... not much to do on this lazy spring morn } where the aching trees satisfy their liquid hunger through the peat } and sphagnum and the pain of their days and the solid solicitude of } their nights (would that be God? no it's too tall, probably a fir) } } God } God } God od od d d } } } Why } hast } thou } forsaken } me? } } ----------------------------------------------------------------------- } UNDER-13 PRE-GEEK: } } hi this is the orclke this is the frist time ive mailed so if I make a } mis } } ----------------------------------------------------------------------- } OPTOMETRIST: } } God is in this dot, look very hard ... Do you see him? } } } . } } } ----------------------------------------------------------------------- } TELEVANGELIST: } } Good Mornin, brothers and sisters! Ah have a special messidge this } mornin thet Ah think ev'ry wun of you should be listening to. And } that messidge is about contactin Gawd. When you board the spiritual } airline of happiness, you should be Able ... to take your bag of } Virtue ... and stuff it jus as full as it'll get. Brothers and } sisters, I have somethin to say heah. On a Spiritual scale of } happiness from wun to ten, Ah em a ten. You should be a ten. We ALL } could be tens if we take that first step. Congregation please rise. } } [organ music] } "We All Could Become A Ten" } } When God has come unto us all } Be it summer, be it fall } We will praise with joy and then } Spirit'chly become a ten. } } Through the Pow'r that gave us life } Keeps us far from death and strife } The sequence eight and nine and then } Finally becomes a ten! } } We will knock on heaven's door } If spirit'chly we are a four } He doesn't care how bad we've been } We could all become a ten, AHH-MEN. } } Now If yew Want ... to talk to Gawd ... I'll tell ya how its dun. I } say I'll tell yew hear and now how you can have your private line to } Gawd. I want everyone in this ministry ... I want ev'ry wun at Home } and here at the Station ... to Dig down Deep ... and pass that plate } around ... and Give! ... Give! ... Give! Congregation please rise ... } oh, yawl never sat down? } } [organ music] } "Give! Give! Give!" } } Give! Give! Give! } Give! Give! Give! } Give! Give! Give! } Give! Give! Give! } } Give! Give! Give! } Give! Give! Give! } Give! Give! Gimme! } Give! Give! Give! AHH-MEN. } } ------------------------------------------------------------------------ } MINIMALIST: } } Pray. --- 160-02 00246 4.3 ----------------------------------------------------- The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply. Your question was: > Oracle Most Mighty, Powerful, Invincible, Omnipotent, Supreme, > Important, Commanding, Forceful, Influential, Strong, and Robust ... > > What other uses can I put my thesaurus to? And in response, thus spake the Oracle: } Are you kidding? Why, the thesaurus is one of the most useful items } you will ever own! Besides the obvious physical uses (such as } propping up computer tables with wobbly legs and the like), a } thesaurus has virtually unlimited possibilities: } } * Dealing with parents - A continuous refrain of "Dad, I need more } money 'cause I'm broke" wears thin on even the most loving of } parental ears after a while. With just a little flipping through } the pages of your trusty thesaurus, your begging will sound like } IBM's annual report. "Dad, I am experiencing a balance shortfall } due to unforeseen second-quarter operating expenses. Further } infusion of venture capital is required to continue funding of } ongoing projects at their present level." Assuming your father } isn't a CFO for a Fortune 500 company, you'll get the money you } need for that party at the Phi Sig house right away! They'll } believe that you must be learning SOMEthing at that college.... } } * Dealing with bureaucrats - Ever get frustrated when those pesky } jerks at major service organizations (government agencies, banks, } universities, department store customer-service departments, and } the local video rental shop) spew forth streams of gibberish at } your tender eardrums? Well, with the aid of your trusty thesaurus, } you can baffle 'em right back! "There was an unplanned causal } intervention approximately a fortnight ago, so I was sadly forced } to defer the expediting of the necessary papers to your department." } (Translation: "Two weeks ago my tire blew, so that's why I haven't } given you your stupid forms yet.") At the very least, you'll be } able to curse these devotees of rules and regulations in new and } exciting ways. } } * Dealing with the fairer sex - Now HERE'S a use of the thesaurus that } we can all empathize with...don't just rely on "You look great } today!" or something like that. Instead, flip through your trusty } thesaurus and say, "Darling, you look absolutely splendiferous this } afternoon. Your new lace-edged tie-dyed T-shirt and Lycra miniskirt } look simply luscious!" Women who hear this begin to entertain the } notion that you are a man of intelligence and sensitivity, and one } with a sense of language that never sleeps. They will, in short, } want to bear your children--or, at the very least, engage in hours } of nonstop copulation. And the thesaurus can help even in those } areas; why settle for "You were great, Baby!" when you can say } "Madame, your performance was extraordinarily skillful and } masterfully executed; you are quite clearly an artiste } extraordinaire!" } } Perhaps the Oracle has made his point. There are many, many possible } uses for a thesaurus; while it may be obfuscatory, and certainly } rather cloying in its descriptivity, it is nevertheless quite clearly } a very powerful and versatile tool. } } For more information, please send for my new guide, "1001 Uses for The } Thesaurus You Were Going To Pitch Into The Trash Right After You } Graduated From High School," by the Usenet Oracle. 270 pages of } fact-filled ideas, all for only $9.95. } } [LAWYER'S NOTES: Offer void where prohibited by law. Program is } licensed, not sold. Provided "as is," without any warranty or } guarantee. Some restrictions apply. An Equal Opportunity Employer. } Call for further details. Limited to one per household. Plus tax and } license; prices may vary. Member FDIC. If rash develops, discontinue } use. Close cover before striking. You must be 18 or older to play. } UNIX is a trademark of AT&T Bell Laboratories. Simulated picture. } Available only in USA, APO's, and FPO's. All rights reserved. May } not be rebroadcast without express permission of Major League } Baseball. Yak yak yak. Blab blab blab.] } } You owe the Oracle a copy of "Roget's II." --- 158-01 03238 4.0 ----------------------------------------------------- The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply. Your question was: > Okay, now, this is completely hypothetical of course, but you know how > on those audience-participation talk shows, like Donahue and Geraldo, > they have these doctors and their patients that have these problems, > like, just for example, they like to dress up as cowboys and dance the > lambada with live catfish, and the people on the show take phone calls > answer people's questions? Well, just supposing that one day a person > was to call one of those shows and talk about this problem they had and > then realized that they'd dialed the wrong number and the guy on the > other end had bought that service that tells them what the caller's > phone number is, and they wanted to blackmail the person--what could the > person do about it? Just hypothetically. And in response, thus spake the Oracle: } > KICK TALK-SHOW HOST. } } The talk-show host nimbly dodges your blow. } } > SAY "I DON'T HAVE THAT MUCH MONEY". } } The talk-show host ignores your feeble pleading. } } The talk-show host adds another $1000 to your blackmail. } } > ATTACK TALK-SHOW HOST WITH BROADSWORD. } } The broadsword crumbles before the host's withering glare. } } The talkshow host offers you $200 to dress up as a catfish and dance the } lambada with live cowboys. } } > SHOOT TALK-SHOW HOST WITH SHOTGUN. } } The shotgun seems to be made of tin. } } The talk-show host adds another $1000 to your blackmail. } } > BLACKMAIL THE TALK-SHOW HOST. } } You don't have any incriminating photographs! } } > PHOTOGRAPH THE TALK-SHOW HOST. } } The talk-show host is extremely photogenic. } The talk-show host smiles. } The talk-show host poses. } } > BLACKMAIL THE TALK-SHOW HOST } } The photographs are not incriminating. } } > DROP LISA. } } As you put Lisa down, she leaps at the talk-show host. } Lisa starts tearing the host's clothes off. } } > PHOTOGRAPH THE TALK-SHOW HOST. } } You are out of film. } Lisa and The talk-show host are boinking like crazed badgers on the } floor. Lisa has an orgasm. } } > INVENTORY } } You have: } - a press card } - a whip } - a source license } - a political party } - a keg } - a handbag } - a rowboat } } Lisa and The talk-show host are humping like crazed humans on the floor. } Lisa has 11 orgasms. } } > ASK POLITICAL PARTY FOR MORE FILM. } } The political party has no film. } The political party lectures you: the Russians are tapping your phone! } The political party lectures you: Nerd Power! } The political party lectures you: the system staff is fascist! } The political party lectures you: ban abortion! } The political party lectures you: Legalize Abortion for Whales!! } The political party lectures you: Ladies Against Women! } The political party lectures you: 2, 4, 6, 8, we don't want to } differentiate! } The political party lectures you: technology is evil! } The political party lectures you: Clthulhu Saves! } The political party lectures you: people are dying every day! } } Lisa and The talk-show host are screwing like crazed scorpions on the } floor. Lisa has 12 orgasms. } } > LOOK IN HANDBAG. } } The handbag contains: } - a dog } - a roll of film } - a helmet } - a Death Star } } Lisa and The talk-show host are fucking like crazed frogs on the floor. } Lisa has 81 orgasms. } } > TAKE FILM OUT OF HANDBAG. } } You now hold a roll of film. } } Lisa and The talk-show host are loving like crazed lemurs on the floor. } Lisa has 182 orgasms. } } > PUT FILM IN CAMERA. } } The film is in the camera. } } Lisa and The talk-show host are boffing like crazed buffalo on the } floor. The talk-show host has an orgasm. } Lisa has 412,184,145,858,884 orgasms. } A puddle fills the studio. } } > PHOTOGRAPH THE TALK-SHOW HOST. } } You photograph the talk-show host. } Lisa runs off in search of another lover. } The talk-show host puts his clothes back on. } } > BLACKMAIL THE TALK-SHOW HOST. } } You forgot to take the lens-cap off! } Your photographs are worthless. } The talk-show host raises your blackmail by $1000. } } > ATTACK THE TALK-SHOW HOST WITH WHIP. } } The whip has been soaked by Lisa's puddle! } The talk-show host tries to interview you. } } > TAKE DEATH STAR OUT OF HANDBAG. } } You now hold the Death Star. } The talk-show host raises your blackmail by $1000. } } > FIRE PHOTON TORPEDOES AT THE TALK-SHOW HOST. } } The photon torpedoes bounce off of the host's highly artificial hairdo. } } > QUIT } } You quit with a score of 412 out of 107385. This puts your rank at } "Blackmail sheep." --- 159-03 01325 4.0 ----------------------------------------------------- The Usenet Oracle has pondered your question deeply. Your question was: > Yo who are you? And in response, thus spake the Oracle: } I'm the Oracle, of course. It's obvious you haven't done this before, } so I'll explain how this works. } } Send your question to Be sure to begin } your letter with lots of flowery praise. Do not use any of the } following openings: } } TYPE OF BOO-BOO EXAMPLE PUNISHMENT } ---------------------------------------------------------------------- } None " " Spending eternity } sucking lava through } an iron straw } } Sarcastic "Oh, Oracle, you whose Spontaneous } shit smells like roses..." disembowelment } } Obscure "Oracle, you whose ventricle Coming back as Zsa-Zsa } does not tintinabulate, Gabor's underwear } whose smallest robot I am } unworthy to catalog..." } } Two months later, a homing pigeon will smash through your living room } window, dance the lambada with your salt shaker, deposit a small } capsule and leave. } } In the capsule will be a small piece of paper with three numbers on } it. Take these numbers to the Middle Eastern gentleman who runs the } Slurpee machine at the 7-11. He will nod knowingly and cold cock you. } } When you wake up in the hospital, you will find more numbers tatooed } on your chest. Your nurse will look at these numbers and gasp, then } rip open her blouse to reveal large, firm breasts with more numbers } tatooed upon them. Put these numbers together and they will spell out } an exact location in Turkey in latitude and longitude. } } Buy a plane ticket to Turkey and hike out to the location. After } digging for several minutes you will encounter a ceramic albatross. } Break it open. Inside you will find a mystic scripture and three } pounds of hashish. You will then be arrested by several police } officers who were hiding behind a tree. } } When you get inside the prison, seek out the man with no teeth } performing perversions upon himself in the corner. Ask him about the } crystal. He will give a large green crystal. Hold it in the air and } recite the mystic scripture. There will be a big stinky explosion, } causing the wardens to believe that your colon detonated and you will } be transported to a small cave. } } Recite the words on the cave wall a million times without stopping. } This may take a few tries, but what the hell, you're young! When you } succeed, a small computer terminal will mysteriously materialize. } Logon as anonymous and read your mail. The Oracle's reply will be } there! Probably something along the lines of } } "Throw chocolate syrup in her face and go watch the Munsters. } You owe the Oracle a Twinkie" } } Ah, cosmic knowledge! It's worth any price, is it not? } } You owe the Oracle a Twinkie. -- Edited by Brad Templeton. MAIL your jokes (jokes ONLY) to funny@looking.ON.CA If you mail to, it makes sure that your joke is tagged as your original work, and thus eligible for the RHF comedy awards. Always attribute the source of a joke, whether it's you, or somebody else.