MISO%CATHY@yubgef51.UUCP (V.Alkalaj,IJS-Comp.Centre,(+38)(61)214399 ext.666) (03/16/91)
I heard this joke from a friend two days ago. It is an ethnic joke, but I am Sefardim myself and we don't take ourselves all that seriously. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Moshe Kohn opens a Kosher restaurant in London and puts a notice in the window "ARABS NOT WELLCOME"; a couple of days later, a person of obviously Arab origin walks in and requests a sandwich - so the cashier quickly runs into Moshe's office asking what to do. Moshe decides that he really doesn't want a scandal, so he orders "OK, give him the sandwich, but charge him double - that should teach him". No sooner said than done. But the next day the same Arab is back again - this time for a full lunch; Moshe decides "Charge him triple, he'll get the lesson this time !". The Arab eats his lunch, pays withot a quibble, praises the food and even asks for a reservation for 10 of his friends for the same evening. Moshe decides "OK, let him have the reservation, but if his friend do come, charge them tenfold!" The Arabs appear in the evening, have a large dinner, pay without complaining and even tip generously. So the nex day Moshe puts a new sign in the window: "JEWS NOT WELLCOME". -- Edited by Brad Templeton. MAIL your jokes (jokes ONLY) to funny@looking.ON.CA Attribute the joke's source if at all possible. A Daemon will auto-reply. If you don't need an auto-reply, submit to rhf@looking.on.ca instead.