Taken from the Houston Chronicle Page 2A from Thursday, April 18, 1991 I (symbol of spade) Kurds In response to Lenore Skenazy, who asked Advertising Age readers to come up with bumper stickers for Saddam Hussien: "My Army imvaded Kuwait and all I got was this lousy bumper sticker" "Quit honking! I'm retreating as fast as I can" "Shiites happen" "Dukakis-Bentsen in '92" "If you don't like the way I reignm get out of small, neighboring countries" "Lose Kuwait now! Ask me how" "If you're righ and own a uranium refining plant, I'm single" "If you can read thism you're probably with the 1st Airborne" "Bomb me, I need the insurance" This is in no way the opinion, of me, my company, or NASA..... disclaim .... ... disclaim...... disclaim...... -- Mike Kent - Lockheed Engineering and Sciences Company at NASA JSC 2400 NASA RD One, Houston, TX 77058 (713) 483-3791 -- Edited by Brad Templeton. MAIL your jokes (jokes ONLY) to funny@looking.ON.CA Attribute the joke's source if at all possible. A Daemon will auto-reply. Please don't send me requests of the form, "could you please send me the joke about XXX?" Yes, I have it, but if I were willing to let myself be a joke server I would spend all day doing it. I reject all such requests.