isusecn@prism.gatech.EDU (chris newton) (03/23/90)
I have recently received the latest version of TCP/IP for the 3B2 (WIN version 3.0.1). After installing it, I have the following problem: My system will boot up and stay that way for 30 seconds to 1 minute then the following message appears: proc=401D2814 psw=2DA12B pc=4001BB96 PANIC: KERNEL MMU FAULT (F_ACCESS) This only happens AFTER I install TCP/IP and not before. So far the exact same problem has happened on 2 3B2's. I have tried changing NI Cards, reinstalling software, reformatting hard drives and "retrying" everything--but to no avail. Has anyone out there had a similar experience when installing this new version? My Error Manual for the 3B2 offers no helpful advice, it only says that I should run "sysdump" and everything will be all right--but this does not work either. I would appreciate ANY and ALL help/suggestions/advice that anyone can give, because I have just about given up. Chris Newton -- Christopher A. Newton, Teaching Assistant, School of ICS Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta Georgia, 30332 uucp: ...!{allegra,amd,hplabs,seismo,ut-ngp}!gatech!prism!gt3985b ARPA: