(Simon Warfield) (04/15/91)
ANNOUNCEMENT AUSTRALIAN TRANSPUTER AND OCCAM USER GROUP CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITION 23 and 24 September 1991 Huxley Lecture Theatre Research School of Physical Sciences and Engineering Australian National University Mills Road CANBERRA ACT This will be the Fourth Australian Transputer and OCCAM User Group Meeting and it should be a stimulating one. Not only is the transputer user base now much larger, but parallel processing itself is becoming one of the central research areas in Australia, both pure and applied. 1991 will also be an important year for the transputer, since the design of the H1 will be finalised and ready for launch. SGS-Thomson will of course be presenting their up-to-the-minute outlook on future technological developments, but also of great interest will be the specifications for OCCAM 3, to be described at the Transputing '91 conference in April. This year's keynote speaker will be Dr Mike Jane from the Rutherford/Appleton Laboratory in the United Kingdom. Dr Jane is Head of the Science and Research Council/Dept of Trade and Industry Transputer Initiative and has been one of the leading figures in the development of transputer applications. CALL FOR PAPERS The conference will focus on the latest developments in the transputer, its language and operating system support, and the varied applications to which it is put. Papers on such developments are being solicited from interested persons. Those wishing to submit a contribution in the form of a paper and/or demonstration should provide an abstract as soon as possible (and certainly no later than 14 June 1991) to the Publication Coordinator, John Hulskamp, at the address given below. Final camera-ready papers should be provided on A4 paper (6 pages maximum) by 1 August 1991, to be published by IOS Press and issued at the conference. The all-inclusive conference fee of $250 ($100 students) will include morning/afternoon teas and lunch on both days, the opening cocktail party, as well as the conference dinner. Accommodation will be available on campus at Ursula College and at University House; spaces at University House are limited so an early response is required. EXHIBITION In conjunction with the conference, an exhibition will demonstrate the latest equipment being developed with the transputer family. Persons and/or organisations wishing to mount an exhibit are most welcome to apply, and discuss their requirements with the Exhibition Coordinator, Tom Hintz. TUTORIALS AND WORKSHOPS On Sunday, 22 September, from 11.00am--5.30pm, there will be an introductory practical tutorial on transputer programming, if sufficient people are interested. [A minimum of 6 people will be necessary.] The fee will be $100 including lunch and refreshments. Following the conference, there will be two advanced programming workshops --- one devoted to the use of EXPRESS, the other to OCCAM and/or Parallel C. The fee will be $150 including lunch and refreshments. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION Registration: Terry Bossomaier (Conference Convenor) Computer Sciences Laboratory Research School of Physical Sciences & Engineering Australian National University PO Box 4 CANBERRA ACT 2601 AUSTRALIA Telephone: (06) 249-2465/0012 Email: Fax: (06) 249-1884 Abstracts: John Hulskamp (Publication Coordinator) Dept of Communication & Electrical Engineering Victoria University of Technology (RMIT) GPO Box 2476V MELBOURNE VIC 3001 AUSTRALIA Telephone: (03) 660-2453/2090 Email: Fax: (03) 662-1060 Exhibition: Tom Hintz (Exhibition Coordinator) School of Computing Sciences University of Technology, Sydney PO Box 123 Broadway SYDNEY NSW 2007 AUSTRALIA Telephone: (02) 218-9508 Email: Fax: (02) 212-5208 -- =========================== MODERATOR ============================== Steve Stevenson {steve,fpst} Department of Computer Science, comp.parallel Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634-1906 (803)656-5880.mabell