[comp.windows.ms] Comm programs under Windows/386

mcdonald@uxe.cso.uiuc.edu (12/16/88)

/* Written 10:30 am  Dec 10, 1988 by slin@cory.Berkeley.EDU in uxe.cso.uiuc.edu:comp.windows.ms */
/* ---------- "Comm programs under Windows/386" ---------- */

     I have a question about running a communication program under
Windows/386.  How relibably will a comm program run as a background
process.  I'm using Procomm Plus right now and haven't seen any problems
yet, but then again I haven't really put Windows to the test by running
a bunch of other programs simultaneously.
     When could I expect problems to occur?  While running a disk intensive
program?  By the way, does Windows use time slicing to manage applications?
/* End of text from uxe.cso.uiuc.edu:comp.windows.ms */

I use KErmit and it works fine, even in the background. Every once
in a while it needs to retry a block - maybe one in 100. Yes,
Windows 386 time slices.