olm@daimi.dk (Ole Lehrmann Madsen) (12/15/88)
A Danish company has asked me to help them with some problems they have with MS-Windows vers. 2.10. Since I know absolutely nothing about MS-Windows I would like to ask if anybody reading this newsgroup perhaps can help me. You may reply to olm@daimi.dk Thanks for your help. --Ole Lehrmann Madsen Here are the problems: To allow for more memory than the traditional 640 Kbytes we use EMS via the LIM 4.0 driver. However, this expands the memory available for application programs, but we are still in short of 0-640 K for drivers, MS-windows, dynamic library, etc. What can be done to minimise memory requirements in 0-640 K ? Can the dynamic library, partly or totally, be moved to EMS ? This is especially a problem when trying to run Code-view, which needs 200 K in 0-640 K. Is it possible to reduce these 200K? Some other problems are: MS-Windows supports only two serial ports. How can this be expanded? If a program sends a "Post Message" to itself, in order to release the CPU, this release apparently does not take place. What can be done to achieve this?
leif@ambone.UUCP (Leif Andrew Rump) (12/19/88)
In article <1859@daimi.dk>, olm@daimi.dk (Ole Lehrmann Madsen) writes: > A Danish company has asked me to help them with some problems they have > with MS-Windows vers. 2.10. Since I know absolutely nothing about MS-Windows And another Danish company will answer your questions. > Thanks for your help. Selv tak. > Here are the problems: > > To allow for more memory than the traditional 640 Kbytes we use EMS > via the LIM 4.0 driver. ... > What can be done to minimise memory requirements in 0-640 K ? Use segmentation. > Can the dynamic library, partly or totally, be moved to EMS ? No! > This is especially a problem when trying to run Code-view, which needs 200 K > in 0-640 K. > Is it possible to reduce these 200K? We don't have Code-View but I wouldn't be surprised if you need to specify an option to get Code-View to use EMS but on the other hand maybe it wont! > MS-Windows supports only two serial ports. How can this be expanded? Don't know! But we can find out - but not for free... > If a program sends a "Post Message" to itself, in order to release the CPU, > this release apparently does not take place. > What can be done to achieve this? Your should use "Peek Message"! Leif Andrew Rump, Ambrasoft A/S, Roejelskaer 15, DK-2840 Holte (Denmark) UUCP: leif@ambone.dk, phone: +45 2424 111, touch phone: +45 422 817 + 313 BBS1: ABC BBS: +45 68 00 544, 3/12, 24h, 2:505/38 (ABC Sysop) BBS2: PC-Club BBS: +45 68 0270, 3/12/24, 24h, 2:505/54 (PC-Club Sysop) Please note the node-change: Ambone, Italian for a pulpit (The following interpretations emerged Am_bone, Ambrasoft A/S bone when Ambone was put down on paper and Amb_one, Ambrasoft A/S #one accepted - they are solely mine!!!!!) ...