[comp.windows.ms] Postscript driver bug in Windows/Inavision ???

rds95@leah.Albany.Edu (Robert Seals) (02/15/89)

Hello friends,

We have been having a very annoying problem with Windows, and I'd like
to know if anybody can help.

We have Windows version 2.03 and In*a*vision 1.10. We typically draw
something with invision, then print it to a "virtual" Postscript
printer, i.e., a file, then download it to a Unix Machine and print
on our DEC LN03R.
This works well for MS-Write, and even Paint (though it's an icky bitmap).
However, from invision, sometimes it works, sometimes not. And when it
doesn't work, it seems to do some nasty stuff to the printer's innards,
stuff it probably ought not to do, like mess with it's battery backed
data. So cycling power doesn't help; my users get very upset when
PS files "worked last week and don't today."
At any rate, there appears to be some correlation between this one guy
trying to print invision pictures (that fail), and subsequent flakiness
of the Postscript printer. WHY??? Anybody know?

thank you very very much. honest.

(sorry for the wide distribution - please try to followup to comp.windows.ms)
